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2 <br /> <br />shown in the renderings and design documents. At a minimum, the Project will <br />incorporate the entirety of the original 1931 west façade of the existing First American <br />Title building and a portion of the north façade that includes two (2) of the original five- <br />plus (5+) window bays in a design that provides visual separation between the original <br />and new portions of the Project through setbacks or other architectural features. The <br />Project will incorporate interior elements of the existing First American building to the <br />extent determined historic and feasible to salvage and re-use through the process <br />described below. <br /> A preservation architect who meets the qualifications of the Secretary of the Interior shall <br />be retained by the developer to assist in the evaluation of the structure’s character- <br />defining features, and their physical condition, on both the exterior façade and interior <br />during and after the initial partial demolition (discussed below). This preservation <br />architect will also consult on the design of the interior space, with the purpose of <br />assessing and, when possible, incorporating historic interior elements. <br /> The Project developer will notify the Preservation Organizations at the emails listed with <br />each signature below at least 5 days in advance of commencement of partial demolition, <br />defined as removal of any portion of the interior or the exterior cladding of the existing <br />First American building. The Project developer will set a specific timeline and notification <br />structure for future meetings and actions with the Preservation Organizations following <br />the partial demolition. In all cases, the Preservation Organizations will receive ample <br />time to review reports and prepare for meetings and responses. <br /> The Project developer will conduct the partial demolition before removing any materials <br />from the existing, other than those necessary to perform the assessment described <br />above. The partial demolition will be performed by appropriate professionals under the <br />guidance of the preservation architect to uncover the building façade; the demolition will <br />then be paused while evaluation of both the exterior and interior is performed by the <br />Project developer in consultation with the preservation architect. Once evaluation is <br />complete, the developer and their architects will meet with the Preservation <br />Organizations, and any other local preservation groups expressing interest, to discuss <br />their findings and what actions are proposed going forward, and to attempt to reach <br />consensus. Preservation groups will be allotted a reasonable amount of time to review <br />findings, consult with their own experts as needed, and prepare a response to the <br />conclusions and proposed plans for moving forward with the Project. <br /> After the partial demolition, a detailed plan will be drawn up by the Project developer <br />specific to interior salvage and re-use. This plan will take all reasonable measures to <br />preserve existing features in place, or relocate them within the Project site. The <br />Preservation Organizations will have a reasonable opportunity, not less than 10 <br />business days, to suggest changes or alternative designs prior to additional demolition <br />moving forward. <br /> If after partial demolition, the Project Developer, historic preservation architect, and <br />Preservation Organizations agree the original 1931 is unsalvageable, the amended