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<br />Recommendation Report to the City, subject to compliance with the notice and <br />meeting requirements of Condition 10A, below. <br /> <br />10A. Five (5) calendar days prior to removing the 1970s-era First American Title <br />façade, the Applicant shall provide written and electronic notice of the start date <br />for the removal work to the following organizations and the City: Santa Ana <br />Planning and Building Agency, Santa Ana Planning Commission, Santa Ana <br />Historic Resources Commission, Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society, and <br />Preserve Orange County. Notice shall be provided via email if available and in <br />writing and delivered by overnight delivery to the address on record with the City <br />for each named organization. Upon completion of the façade removal work and <br />the Recommendation Report described in Condition 10, the Applicant shall <br />provide a copy of the Recommendation Report to the above-named <br />organizations and the City, and shall schedule a meeting of all recipients of the <br />Recommendation Report to discuss the findings of said report and the <br />Applicant’s decision whether it can implement the Applicant’s Preservation <br />Alternative. The meeting shall be held at least seven (7) calendar days after <br />delivery of the Recommendation Report but no later than fifteen (15) calendar <br />days after delivery of the Recommendation Report. <br /> <br />11. The Project shall include a publicly-accessible amenity area available to the public <br />non-profit organizations four (4) times per calendar year, upon agreement by the <br />non-profit organization(s) and Applicant. Any revisions to the proposed projects to <br />include said amenity area, or any required modifications to accommodate said <br />amenity area, shall be reviewed for substantial conformance during Building <br />Division plan check. <br /> <br />12. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy issuance, public art shall be installed on the <br />project site at a value of one-tenth of one percent (0.10%) of the total valuation of <br />both buildings. The art may be installed on one or both of the project sites (Site A <br />and/or Site B). The selection, design, and installation of the art shall be subject to <br />review and approval by the Planning and Building Agency, the Community <br />Development Agency, and the Applicant. <br /> <br />13. Residents of both development sites in the Project (Site A and Site B) shall have <br />access to resident amenities and open space areas in both sites in perpetuity. <br /> <br />14. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a Property Maintenance Agreement <br />must be recorded against the property. The agreement will be subject to review <br />and applicability by the Planning and Building Agency, the Community <br />Development Agency, the Public Works Agency, and the City Attorney to ensure <br />that the property and all improvements located thereupon are properly <br />maintained, Developer (and the owner of the property upon which the authorized <br />use and/or authorized improvements are located if different from the Applicant) <br />shall execute a Maintenance Agreement with the City of Santa Ana which shall <br />be recorded against the property and which shall be in a form reasonably <br />1- 34