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EXHIBIT A <br />Resolution No. _____ Page 3 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />• Section 6.0: Environmental Review and Public Participation provides a description of the CEQA <br />process conducted for the Project. <br />• Section 7.0: Significant Effects that Cannot be Mitigated to a Less than Significant Level, <br />provides the Findings for the impacts that would remain significant and unavoidable after <br />implementation of regulations that reduce impacts and project-specific mitigation measures. <br />• Section 8.0: Effects Determined to be Mitigated to Below a Level of Significance, provides the <br />Findings for impacts that can feasibly be mitigated to a less than significant level through <br />implementation of regulations that reduce impacts, Project Design Features (PDFs), and <br />mitigation measures. <br />• Section 9.0: Effects Determined Not to be Significant, provides the Findings regarding the <br />environmental impacts that were determined to be less than significant as a result of the Initial <br />Study/Notice of Preparation (NOP) and/or analysis within the EIR. <br />• Section 10.0: Significant Irreversible Environmental Change and Energy Use. <br />• Section 11.0: Growth Inducing Effects, provides the Findings regarding the CEQA-required <br />analysis for growth inducement. <br />• Section 12.0: Alternatives, provides Findings regarding project alternatives. <br /> <br />1.3 Record of Proceedings <br />For purposes of CEQA and these Findings, the Record of Proceedings for the Project consists of, but is <br />not limited to, the following documents and other evidence, at a minimum: <br />• The NOP and all other public notices issued by the City in conjunction with the Project <br />• The DEIR, including all technical studies included in the appendices for the Project <br />• All written comments submitted by agencies or members of the pubic during the public review <br />comment period on the DEIR <br />• The reports and technical memoranda included or referenced in the Response to Comments <br />• All written and verbal public testimony presented during a noticed public hearing for the proposed <br />Project <br />• The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />• All documents, studies, EIRs or other materials incorporated by reference in the DEIR and FEIR <br />including Clarifications <br />• The Resolutions adopted by the City of Santa Ana in connection with the Project and all documents <br />incorporated by reference therein <br />• Matters of common knowledge to the City, including but not limited to federal, state and local laws <br />and regulations <br />• Any documents expressly cited in these Findings <br /> <br />• Any other relevant materials required to be in the record of proceedings by Public Resources Code <br />Section 21167.6(e) <br />2-33