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EXHIBIT A <br />Resolution No. _____ Page 17 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />Environmental Screening Levels (ESLs) for residential uses are not exceeded. Excavated materials <br />shall be transported per California Hazardous Waste Regulations to a landfill permitted by the state <br />to accept hazardous materials. <br />• Any subsurface materials exposed during construction activities that appear suspect of <br />contamination, either from visual staining or suspect odors, shall require immediate cessation of <br />excavation activities. Soils suspected of contamination shall be tested for potential contamination. <br />If contamination is found to be present per the California Department of Toxic Substances Control <br />(DTSC) or Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) ESLs for residential uses, it shall be <br />transported and disposed of per California Hazardous Waste Regulations to an appropriately <br />permitted landfill. <br />• A Health and Safety Plan (HSP) shall be prepared for each contractor that addresses potential <br />safety and health hazards and includes the requirements and procedures for employee protection. <br />The HSP shall also outline proper soil handling procedures and health and safety requirements to <br />minimize worker and public exposure to hazardous materials during construction. <br />• All SMP measures shall be printed on the construction documents, contracts, and Project plans <br />prior to issuance of grading permits. <br /> <br />With the implementation of the mitigation measure identified above (MM-HAZ-1), the Project’s potential <br />impacts relating to hazards and hazardous materials would be less than significant. (DEIR, pp. 4.6-7 <br />through 4.6-8.) <br /> <br />Consistent with the Original Project, the Modified Project would involve handling of hazardous materials <br />and implementation of Mitigation Measure HAZ-1, which would reduce potential impacts to a less than <br />significant level such that no new or greater impacts related to hazardous materials would occur. Based <br />on the foregoing, none of the conditions identified in CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5 that would trigger <br />the need to prepare a recirculated EIR or other environmental document exist. The Modified Project would <br />not result in either a new significant environmental impact or a substantial increase in the severity of a <br />previously identified impact. (Final EIR, Clarifications to the Final EIR, Section 3.6.) <br /> <br />8.4 Noise <br /> <br />8.4.1 Noise Levels in Excess of Established Standards <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project result in exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in <br />excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of <br />other agencies? <br /> <br />Finding: Less than significant impact with mitigation incorporated. (DEIR, pp. 4.8-10 through 4.8-13.) <br /> <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The Project would not result in generation of noise levels in excess <br />standards established by the City’s Municipal Code. Per Section 18-314 (Special Provisions) of the City’s <br />Municipal Code noise sources associated with construction activities are exempt from the established <br />noise standards as long as the activities do not take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on <br />weekdays, including Saturday, or any time on Sunday or a federal holiday. The Project’s construction <br />activities would occur pursuant to these regulations. Thus, the Project would be in compliance with the <br />City’s construction related noise standards. <br />2-47