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EXHIBIT A <br />Resolution No. _____ Page 31 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br /> <br /> Exposure to Potential Risk of Loss, Injury, or Death – Earthquake <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, <br />including the risk of loss, injury or death involving rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on <br />the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or <br />based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? <br /> <br />Finding: No impact. (DEIR, p. 2-6; Initial Study, pp. 29-30) <br /> <br />Facts in Support of Finding: Implementation of the Project would have no impact related to the exposure <br />of people or structures to the rupture of a known earthquake fault. There are no Alquist-Priolo fault zones <br />or other faults mapped on or adjacent to the Project site. The closest major active faults are the Elsinore <br />Fault Zone, which is 10 miles northeast of the Project site, and the Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon <br />Fault Zone, which is located 10 miles to the southwest. Thus, the Project will not expose people or <br />structures to potential substantial adverse effects from rupture of a known earthquake fault that is <br />delineated on an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map or any other known fault. (Initial Study, <br />pp. 29-30) This conclusion also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified Project. <br /> <br /> Exposure to Potential Risk of Loss, Injury, or Death – Seismic Ground Shaking <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, <br />including the risk of loss, injury or death involving strong seismic ground shaking? <br /> <br />Finding: Less than significant impact. (DEIR, p. 2-6; Initial Study, p. 30) <br /> <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The Project site is located within the seismically active region of Southern <br />California. The principal seismic hazard that could affect the site is ground shaking resulting from an <br />earthquake occurring along several major active or potentially active faults in Southern California. As <br />discussed above, the closest active faults are the Elsinore Fault and the Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon <br />Fault Zone that are both located approximately 10 miles from the Project site. Movement along these <br />faults, or other regional faults, could result in seismic ground shaking on the Project site. <br /> <br />However, structures built in the City are required to be built in compliance with the California Building <br />Code (CBC [California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2]), as included in the City’s Municipal Code <br />as Chapter 8, Article 2, Division 1, which regulates all building and construction Projects within the City <br />and implements a minimum standard for building design and construction that includes specific <br />requirements for seismic safety, excavation, foundations, retaining walls and site demolition. Because the <br />Project must be constructed in compliance with the CBC and the City’s Municipal Code, which would be <br />verified through the City’s plan check and permitting process, the proposed Project would result in a less <br />than significant impact related to strong seismic ground shaking. This conclusion also applies, for the <br />same reasons, to the Modified Project. <br /> <br /> Exposure to Potential Risk of Loss, Injury, or Death – Seismic-Related Ground <br />Failure, Including Liquefaction <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, <br />including the risk of loss, injury or death involving seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? <br />2-61