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16.1 Any damage to the City of Santa Ana, SAPRF, or private property, which has been <br />determined to be clue to the Contractor's neglect, shall be corrected at no additional cost to <br />the City of'Santa Ana or the SAPRF. <br />17.0 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT <br />17.1 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for safe operation of his equipment and <br />the protection of the public from injury and damage from such equipment. <br />18.0 SOUND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS <br />18A The Contractor shall comply with all local sound control and noise level rules, regulations <br />and ordinances that apply to any work performed pursuant to the Contract. Each internal <br />combustion engine used for any purpose on thejob or related to the job shall be equipped <br />with a muffler of a type recommended by the manufacturer of such equipment. No internal <br />combustion engine shall be operated on the project without said muffler. Full <br />compensation for conforming to the requirements of this section shall be considered as <br />included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no additional <br />compensation will be allowed therefore. Sounds, such as loud music, that are not related <br />to the project, shall be kept at levels so as to not disturb the general public. <br />19.0 INQUIRIES AND COMPLAINTS <br />19.1 The Contractor shall maintain an office at some fixed place and shall maintain a telephone <br />thereat, listed in the telephone directory in his own name or in the firm name by which he <br />is most commonly known. Furthermore, the Contractor shall, at all times, have some <br />responsible person(s), employed by the Contractor, to take the necessary action regarding <br />all inquiries and complaints that may be received from the City of Santa Ana, Director's <br />Representative, and/or private citizens during normal working hours. <br />Whenever immediate action is required to prevent impending injury, death or property <br />damage to the facilities being maintained, the Director's Representative may, after <br />reasonable attempt to notify the Contractor cause such action to be taken by the SAPRF <br />work force. All costs of any such action shall be charged against the Contractor, or the <br />Director's Representative may deduct such cost from any amount due to Contractor. <br />All complaints shall be abated as soon as possible after notification, to the satisfaction of <br />the City of Santa Ana and/or Director's Representative. If any complaint is not abated <br />within a reasonable time, the Director's Representative shall be notified immediately of the <br />reason ror not abating the complaint followed by a written report to the Director's <br />Representative within five (5) days. If the complaints are not abated within the time <br />specified or to the satisfaction of the Director's Representative, the Director's <br />Representative may correct the specific complaint and the total cost incurred by the SAPRF <br />will be deducted and forfeit from the payments owing to the Contractor from the SAPRF. <br />Such cost shall include all SAPRF staff time required to resolve the problem and <br />appropriate overhead charges <br />20.0 NOTIFICATION OF LOCATIONS OF WORI{ <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 1g-O64 <br />Page 21 <br />