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February 1, 2019 <br />Support for 2525 N. Main Street Multi -Family Residential Project (aka Magnolia at the Park) SCH <br />2018021031, DP No. 2017-34 <br />page 2 <br />family residential units located at 2525 North (N.) Main Street, in the northern portion <br />of the City of Santa Ana approximately 500 feet east of Interstate 5 (1-5) ("Project'). <br />LIUNA submitted extensive comments on the Project. We are pleased that <br />the Project proponent has taken our concerns seriously and has agreed to take the <br />following actions to address our concerns: <br />A. All construction equipment shall be outfitted with Best Available Control <br />Technology (BACT) devices certified by the Air Resources Board (ARB). <br />Any emissions control device used by the contractor shall achieve <br />emissions reductions that are no less than what could be achieved by a <br />Level 3 diesel emissions control strategy for a similarly sized engine as <br />defined by ARB regulations. <br />B. All wood materials for cabinets, doors and flooring shall be made either of <br />solid wood, or if composite wood materials are used (e.g. plywood, <br />medium density fiberboard, particleboard), such composite wood materials <br />for all interior finish systems shall be made with CARB approved no -added <br />formaldehyde (NAF) resins or ultralow emitting formaldehyde (ULEF) <br />resins (GARB, 2009), unless such materials are not readily available in the <br />local market, in which case Applicant may use CARB Phase 2 certified <br />products. <br />With these measures, LIUNA enthusiastically supports the Project, and <br />withdraws its appeal of the CEQA documents. LIUNA believes that the Project will <br />provide much -needed housing for the community, will provide high -quality jobs, and <br />will mitigate environmental impacts to the full extent feasible. LIUNA urges the City <br />Council to APPROVE the Magnolia Project. <br />Thank you for considering our comments. <br />Sincerely, <br />Richard Drury <br />