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Reallocation of Fiscal Year 2020 — 2021 CDBG Program Funds <br />April 7, 2020 <br />Page 2 <br />Public Service Organization <br />2020-2022 <br />Award <br />WISEPIace — Steps to Independence <br />$90,000 <br />DISCUSSION <br />On March 3'd, 2020, City Council approved the FY 2020-21 CDBG Program budget as presented, <br />and as part of the FY 2020-21 budget process, requested staff to review the General Fund to <br />determine if funding is available for Relampago Del Cielo, Women's Journey Foundation and The <br />Delhi Center (Exhibit 1). For context, as part of the FY 2020-21 CDBG Program budget that had <br />been continued from the February 17 to March 3 City Council meeting, staff reduced funding by <br />$30,000 each for Relampago Del Cielo and Women's Journey Foundation in order to provide <br />$60,000 in funding for a Summer Night Lights program to be administered by Nati's House. On <br />March 3'd, City Council approved the FY 2020-21 CDBG Program budget but also requested staff <br />to identify a source of funds to return the $30,000 each to Relampago Del Cielo and Women's <br />Journey Foundation. City Council also requested staff to determine if General Fund monies are <br />available to support The Delhi Center. <br />Staff determined that there is insufficient General Fund monies available to return the $30,000 <br />each to Relampago Del Cielo and Women's Journey Foundation as well as to provide additional <br />funds for The Delhi Center. However, to fulfill City Council's direction staff are recommending to <br />use $90,000 in Inclusionary Housing Funds to fund WISEPIace and then reallocate the $90,000 in <br />CDBG funds originally meant for WISEPIace to Relampago Del Cielo, Women's Journey <br />Foundation and The Delhi Center. Staff have confirmed that WISEPIace is eligible for funding from <br />the City's Inclusionary Housing Fund. <br />Following approval of this item, staff will enter into a two-year agreement with Relampago Del <br />Cielo for $114,650 in CDBG funds, Women's Journey Foundation for $115,000 in CDBG funds, <br />The Delhi Center (Family Economic Success program) for $110,000 in CDBG funds. Staff will <br />also enter into a two-year agreement with WISEPIace for $90,000 in Inclusionary Housing funds. <br />STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br />Approval of this item supports the City's effort to meet the following Goals, Objectives, and <br />Strategies: <br />Goal #2 - Youth, Education, Recreation, Objective #2 (Expand youth programing), Strategy A <br />(Focus resources on quality youth engagement, civic awareness, enrichment and education <br />programs (i.e. youth camping trips) and expand after -school programs during out -of -school hours <br />at the library and community centers, and Strategy B (Expand the youth sports program so that <br />youth recreational opportunities are established year-round); Objective #4 (Partner with groups <br />and organizations to promote education, senior services, job training and development for all <br />Santa Ana residents); <br />Goal #5 - Community Health, Livability, Engagement & Sustainability, Objective #4 (Support <br />60C-2 <br />