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Salas, Diana <br />From: Carl Benninger <> <br />Sent: Monday, April 06, 2020 12:51 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Support of 55 E at the City Council Meeting 4/7/2020 <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Please read at the council meeting on 4/7/2020 <br />Hello Mayor and Members of the City Council, <br />I strongly support item 55 E on tonight's agenda. This money will close <br />the gap in the funds needed by Public Works to keep up the streets in <br />Santa Ana. So we either spend this money now or expect to spend much <br />more in future to repair street that were not properly maintained. Plus the <br />funding is from the increase in gasoline taxes known as SB 1. Improving <br />and maintaining our streets is what citizens voted for when this taxes was <br />approved by the voter of the state. It is good to see the funds going to the <br />right place. <br />1 <br />