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ONE BROADWAY PLAZA PROJECT EIR ADDENDUM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />5. Environmental Analysis <br />new significant impact or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects and impacts would <br />remain less than significant. <br />b) Cause a significant environmental impact due to a conflict with any land use plan, policy, or <br />regulation adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? <br />Less Than Significant Impact/No Changes or New Information Requiring Preparation of an EIR. <br />The majority of the Project Site is currently zoned SD-75, One Broadway Plaza Specific Development District <br />with a corresponding land use designation of One Broadway Plaza District Center. One parcel on the Project <br />Site (APN: 398-561-03; located at 1205 N. Broadway) is currently zoned Midtown Specific Plan (SP3) with a <br />General Plan Land Use designation of Professional & Administration Office. The SD-75 zone and One <br />Broadway Plaza District Center land use designation do not allow for residential uses. With approval of the <br />entitlement requests to amend the SD-75 zoning and OBPDC land use designation, the proposed project would <br />not conflict with the SD-75 zoning and OBPDC land use designation on site. No change would occur to the <br />parcel with APN 398-561-03, which is zoned Midtown Specific Plan (SP3) with a General Plan Land Use <br />designation of Professional & Administration Office. <br />With the zone text amendment and general plan amendment, the Proposed Project would not create a new <br />significant impact or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects. In addition, as <br />described in this Addendum, no significant impacts are associated with the Proposed Project. Therefore, <br />impacts related to land use would remain less than significant and no changes or new information would require <br />preparation of a subsequent EIR. <br />5.11.3 Adopted Mitigation Measures Applicable to the Proposed Project <br />No mitigation measures related to land use and planning were identified in the Certified EIR. <br />5.12 MINERAL RESOURCES <br />5.12.1 Summary of Previous Environmental Analysis <br />As referenced in the Certified EIR, the Initial Study determined that no mineral resources exist on the Project <br />Site, and the Approved Project would not result in the loss of availability of known mineral resources that <br />would be of state, regional or local value. No additional analysis was required in the EIR. <br />5.12.2 Impacts Associated with the Proposed Project <br />Would the Proposed Project: <br />Apri12020 Page 67 <br />