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ONE BROADWAY PLAZA PROJECT EIR ADDENDUM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />5. Environmental Analysis <br />PS-12 The Principals at Willard Intermediate School, the Orange County High School of Arts, El <br />Sol Science and Arts Academy, Orange County Educational Arts Academy, and Davis <br />Elementary School shall be notified by the project developer before project construction <br />begins that students may be required to use sidewalks on the opposite sides of streets to avoid <br />project construction activities and closure of the sidewalks adjacent to the project site. <br />PS-13 The project developer shall submit to the Santa Ana Unified School District a School Access <br />Plan that provides for the safe passage of students to and from Willard Intermediate School <br />and the Orange County High School of the Arts. The plan shall be subject to approval by the <br />Santa Ana Unified School District before construction activities are initiated. The School <br />Access Plan shall include, but not be limited to: <br />■ The closure of the sidewalks on Washington Avenue, Tenth Street, Sycamore Street and <br />Broadway adjacent to the project site. Appropriate signs shall be posted that the sidewalks <br />are closed and pedestrians are directed to use sidewalks on the opposite sides of the <br />streets. <br />■ Barricading the perimeter of the project site with temporary fencing to secure <br />construction equipment, minimizing trespassing, vandalism and short-cut attractions, and <br />to reduce hazards to students during project demolition activities. <br />■ The posting of a flag person at the entrance(s) to the project site to protect pedestrians <br />from conflicts with heavy equipment and haul trucks entering or leaving the project site <br />during the times of school arrivals and departures. <br />■ The funding of crossing guards at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Broadway, <br />Washington Avenue and Sycamore Street, Tenth and Sycamore Streets and Tenth Street <br />and Broadway. Crossing guards shall be provided during the times of school arrivals and <br />departures when the schools are in session Monday through Friday. If determined to be <br />necessary by the principal of the Orange County High School of the Arts (OCHSA), <br />provide crossing guards at the intersection of Sycamore and Tenth Streets when special <br />daytime performances are held at the OCHSA auditorium. <br />Provide sufficient written notice of commencement and completion of project <br />construction activities to the principals of Willard Intermediate School and the Orange <br />County High School of the Arts. <br />Provide the name and telephone number of a contact person who is knowledgeable about <br />the project for the developer and construction contractor for use by the principals of <br />Willard Intermediate School and the Orange County High School of the Arts. <br />Apri12020 Page 79 <br />