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ONE BROADWAY PLAZA PROJECT EIR ADDENDUM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />5. Environmental Analysis <br />Development Fee. The payment of the fee would ensure that the Proposed Project's impacts are less than <br />significant. <br />b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of <br />recreational facilities, which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? <br />No Impact. As with the Approved Project, no public recreational facilities are proposed as part of the <br />Proposed Project. The Proposed Project would not create a new significant impact or a substantial increase in <br />the severity of previously identified effects that would require the preparation of a subsequent EIR. <br />5.16.3 Adopted Mitigation Measures Applicable to the Proposed Project <br />No mitigation measures related to recreation were identified in the Certified EIR. <br />5.17 TRANSPORTATION <br />5.17.1 Summary of Previous Environmental Analysis <br />Primary arterial access to the Approved Projectwould be provided by Main Street and Broadway. The Approved <br />Project includes the development of an eight -level parking garage which would have access from two locations: <br />(1) north access along Washington and Sycamore and (2) south access along Sycamore and an exit only driveway <br />on Broadway. Implementation of the Approved Project would alter the circulation of adjacent roadways, which <br />would impact surface transportation routes adjacent to and in the vicinity of the Project Site. The Approved <br />Project could impact traffic through neighborhoods. After incorporation of identified mitigation measures, the <br />Approved Project would result in a less than significant impact to surface transportation routes and <br />neighborhood traffic. The Certified EIR determined that the Approved Project would not impact any existing <br />bus routes or other transit facilities along Broadway; however, the Approved Project would generate workers <br />who are likely to use the bus system. The Approved Project would temporarily remove sidewalks along most <br />of the Project Site to accommodate project construction and will be re -constructed by project as part of street <br />improvements. The Approved Project incorporates mitigation measures to address increased bus demand and <br />pedestrian facilities and would result in a less than significant impact. The Approved Proj ect would be required <br />to comply with the City's Transportation Demand Management Ordinance. Implementation of the Approved <br />Project would result in two street segments (Main Street between 17th Street and 1st Street and Broadway <br />between (Santa Clara Avenue and 1st Street) and seven intersections (Main Street & 17th Street; Broadway <br />Street & 17th; Main Street & Washington Avenue; Broadway Street & 4th Street; 1st Street & Flower Street; <br />Santa Ana Boulevard & Flower Street; and Fairview & 1st Street) exceeding the level of service thresholds. <br />After the incorporation of mitigation measures, the impact at these intersections and roadway segments remain <br />significant and unavoidable. <br />5.17.2 Impacts Associated with the Proposed Project <br />Would the Proposed Project: <br />Apri12020 <br />Page 81 <br />