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Housine: <br />While there are moratoriums on evictions, housing costs are still a major concern, particularly for lower -income <br />households who may be at risk of homelessness once the moratorium is lifted Affordable Housing and Homelessness <br />prevention must be a community priority to prevent increase in homelessness as housing protections are lifted. We <br />support the proposed amendment allocating $1,310,435 to start up the new permanent emergency shelter to help house <br />homeless individuals during COVID-19. Our recommendation would be that these investments are made in a way that <br />addresses immediate housing needs and creates opportunities that can be leveraged in the near future to create new <br />permanent affordable housing opportunities. The amendments also include an allocation of $500,000 for an Emergency <br />Rental Relief Fund. There is a need for such a fund in the City of Santa Ana and it is important that it is accessible to <br />residents with the greatest need. This includes residents that are undocumented and have very -low and extremely -low <br />incomes. We recommend the following actions: <br />- Renew the Safely Home in Santa Ana rental assistance program to target undocumented tenants that will <br />not be able to access the CDBG funded Emergency Rental Relief Fund To increase accessibility: <br />- Remove the 3-day pay or quit notice trigger as evictions have been paused <br />Remove w-9 requirements when possible or have the tenant sign the w9 (requiring the landlord to <br />sign the w9 adds an unnecessary barrier). The tenant can be made responsible for delivery the <br />payment to the landlord and provide a receipt of payment to the organization running the program <br />Remove requirement for the tenant to prove that they will be able to pay rent the following month <br />as COVID-19 makes this difficult <br />- Emergency Rental Relief Fund <br />Make this fund available to mixed immigration status households by prorating the rental relief they <br />can receive based off the number of eligible recipients in the household <br />Model the Safely Home in Santa Ana program and remove that program's identified barriers <br />Thank you for your consideration of these critical elements of the City's response to COVID-19. We urge you to include <br />the recommendations listed aboveYour actions can address urgent, growing concerns about current affordable housing <br />production —while promoting ongoing development of the affordable homes our residents desperately will need, during <br />and after this crisis. If you have any questions please contact Cesar Covarrubias at cesarc@kennedycommission org. <br />Sincerely, <br />Central Orange County Intersections Initiative <br />CRECE, Cooperacion Santa Ana, The Kennedy Commission, Latino Health Access <br />National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAM[) - Orange County, Vecindario Lacy en Accion (VeLA) <br />;Kennedy +?00 <br />COMMISSION - <br />00PERACION SAVA ANA ®IlflTl orange County <br />National /alliance on Mental IIInws <br />