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Diana <br />From: <br />Perry Cornwell <> <br />Sent: <br />Sunday, May 03, 2020 12:26 PM <br />To: <br />eComment <br />Subject: <br />rent freeze <br />Dear City Council Member: <br />I am opposed to Santa Ana's executive order mandating a citywide rent freeze. As a rental housing provider and <br />taxpayer, I am working with my tenants who have been affected by the COVID-19 emergency, but this rent freeze goes <br />too far. <br />The city's executive order is clearly in violation of the statewide Costa -Hawkins Rental Housing Act. It is written to apply <br />to all rental properties in Santa Ana and assumes that all renters have been impacted by COVID-19 without requiring any <br />evidence to be provided. Rental -housing providers still need to keep up with their mortgage, property tax, insurance, <br />payroll, and other expenses. <br />I respectfully request that the Santa Ana City Council take immediate action to rescind Section 3 of Executive Order No. <br />2-2020 and ensure the city's compliance with state law. <br />Sincerely, <br />Perry Cornwell SRA <br />26 <br />