Maira Salcedo
<br />(Continued)
<br />but were not limited to, active participation in construction meetings,
<br />review and response to shop drawings and contractor Request for
<br />Information, site visits, and record drawing preparation.
<br />Well 12C Equipping Design, Compton, CA: Project Manager for design
<br />a wellhead building including a pump room with space for required
<br />electrical and instrumentation equipment, a water disinfection equipment
<br />room with on -site chlorine generation equipment, and a water treatment
<br />equipment room with fluoridation and ammonia systems. Plan sheets
<br />addressed civil site work components including grading, fencing, on -site
<br />piping, valves, meters, and other mechanical equipment, including the
<br />well pump, structural, plumbing, disinfection, electrical, instrumentation,
<br />landscape architectural and irrigation elements. The project also included
<br />preparation of a geotechnical report and a site boundary and design
<br />survey. Psomas prepared almost 1,000 pages of technical specifications.
<br />Rehabilitation/Replacement of Pressure Reducing Station Nos. 30,
<br />31, 32, and 43, and Construction of a New PRS No. 73, City of
<br />Anaheim, CA: Project Engineer for preparation of construction
<br />documents for rehabilitation and/or replacement of Pressure Regulation
<br />Station Nos. 30, 31, 32, and 43, and construction of a new FIRS
<br />No. 73. The existing pressure regulation stations were constructed
<br />in the 1960's and have experienced significant corrosion and overall
<br />deterioration. Design services included preparation of a preliminary
<br />design memorandum to establish the basis of design, preparation of
<br />construction plans, technical specifications and engineer's estimate.
<br />Water Main Replacement, City of El Monte, CA: Project Engineer for
<br />provision of PS&E, surveying, environmental and permitting, community
<br />outreach, and construction support services for the replacement of
<br />approximately 6,900 LF of 4- and 6-inch water mains with larger mains
<br />in two areas of the City's distribution system, due to their age, and to
<br />improve fire flow and reliability. Psomas accomplished the scenario
<br />modeling, prepared an economic analysis, compared flow and pressure
<br />results, and prepared a technical memorandum documenting the
<br />analyses and presenting recommendations.
<br />On -Call Design Services for Capital Improvement Plan Sewer
<br />Improvements for Various Locations, City of Hermosa Beach,
<br />CA: Project Engineer for preparation of construction plans and
<br />specifications for approximately 2,700 LF of sewer lining, 9,200 LF of
<br />sewer replacement, and 39 manholes to be rehabilitated. The project
<br />was organized into four distinct areas. Psomas evaluated the existing
<br />conditions of these selected sewer segments and confirmed the
<br />SMP's recommendations or provided supplemental recommendations
<br />if appropriate. CCTV reports and videos for each of the segments
<br />were evaluated and categorized. Field evaluation was performed on
<br />approximately 90 sewer manholes. Final design plans resulted in
<br />1,850 LF of remove and replace segments; 100 LF of point repairs at
<br />about 23 locations; 7,900 LF of lining; 700 LF of deposit and root removal;
<br />and about 650 LF where no repair or rehabilitation was required.
<br />PSOMAS RFr Na. 19-100 City of Santa Ana
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