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NS-2989 - Amendment to Provisions of Specific Development No. 75 (SD-75) to Allow Residential Uses and to Approve Residential Development Standards
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2020 (NS-2979 - NS-3000)
NS-2989 - Amendment to Provisions of Specific Development No. 75 (SD-75) to Allow Residential Uses and to Approve Residential Development Standards
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Last modified
5/7/2020 10:16:48 AM
Creation date
5/7/2020 10:15:57 AM
City Clerk
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a. Prior to issuance of any building permits, construct a raised center <br />median on Main Street per a Street Improvement Plan to be <br />approved by the Public Works Agency. <br />b. Prior to issuance of any building permits, construct a two-way <br />drop-off zone. Each lane shall have a minimum width of 18 feet. <br />A yellow line approximately one foot in width shall be painted to <br />separate the two drive-thru lanes. The plans shall be submitted to <br />the Planning Division and Public Works Agency for approval. <br />c. Prior to issuance of any building permits, install a hedge and 36- <br />inch tall fence to direct students towards the Main Street and <br />Sycamore Street public sidewalks in order to avoid illegal <br />pedestrian crosswalk movements onto Tenth Street. <br />d. Prior to submittal into building plan check, revise the site plan to <br />depict and note the removal of the existing parking stalls and <br />meters on Main Street consistent with the mitigation measures <br />contained in the Final EIR. <br />e. Prior to submittal into building plan check, revise the site plan to <br />depict and note the restriping of Main Street to provide three <br />northbound and two southbound travel lanes. <br />f. All loading zone areas must provide a minimum 6-inch raised curb <br />around the perimeter of each area. <br />g. The proposed roundabout and water feature details must be <br />included as part of the Plaza Plan referenced in Section 7-7 of <br />this ordinance. Prior to the issuance of any certificate of <br />occupancy, all water feature and roundabout improvements must <br />be completed. <br />h. Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy, close off the <br />existing curb and gutter serving the trash collection area between <br />1200 South Main Street and the OCHSA. The curb and gutter <br />shall be replaced with a new curb, gutter and sidewalk. <br />i. Prior to submittal into building plan check, revise the site plan to <br />depict and note the left turn ingress (Sycamore Street - <br />southbound) into the school drop-off zone. <br />j. Prior to submittal into building plan check, revise the site plan to <br />depict and note wheel chair accessibility ramps at the Broadway <br />egress exit. <br />11 <br />Ordinance No. NS-2989 <br />Page 15 of 20 <br />
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