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Cont. (part 2)
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
Countywide and City Public Financing Authority
Vol. 1- City of Santa Ana Financing Authority (Police Admin. and Holding Facility)
Cont. (part 2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/12/2020 10:07:45 AM
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5/12/2020 10:07:15 AM
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The City shall, to the maximum extent permitted by law, indemnify and hold the Authority and <br /> the Trustee and their respective directors, officers and employees harmless from, and defend <br /> each of them against, any claim, demand, loss, damage, liability or expense (including attorneys' <br /> fees) as a result of any such lien or claim of lien against the Leased Property or the Authority's <br /> interest therein. <br /> SECTION 2.06. Substitution or Removal of Leased Property. <br /> (a) The City may amend this Lease to substitute additional real property and/or <br /> improvements (the "Substituted Property") for existing Jcased Property, or to remove real <br /> property or improvements from the definition of Leased Property, upon compliance with all of <br /> the conditions set forth in subsection (b). After a Substitution or Removal, the part of the <br /> Leased Property for which the Substitution or Removal has been effected shall be released from <br /> the leasehold hereunder and all right, title and interest in and to such Leased Property shall vest <br /> in the City. In connection with such release of part of the Leased Property, the Authority shall <br /> execute such conveyances, deeds, and other documents, and shall take or cause to be taken all <br /> actions that are necessary to provide that such released Leased Property constitutes a valid legal <br /> parcel, the ownership of which is recordable in the real property records of the County of <br /> Orange for which a title insurance policy may legally be obtained, as may be necessary to effect <br /> such vesting of record. <br /> (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) below, no Substitution or Removal <br /> shall take place hereunder until the City delivers to the Authority, the Trustee and the Bond <br /> Insurer the following: <br /> (1) A Certificate of the City containing, in the event of a Removal, a <br /> description of all or part of the Leased Property to be released and, in the event of a <br /> Substitution, a description of the Substituted Property to be substituted in its place and <br /> a certification that the remaining useful life of the Substituted Property meets or exceeds <br /> the than remaining term of the Lease; <br /> (2) A Certificate of the City stating that the fair rental value of the Leased <br /> Property after a Substitution or Removal, in each year during the remaining term of this <br /> Lease is at least equal to the Base Rental payments attributable to the Leased Property <br /> prior to said Substitution or Removal, as determined on the basis of an MAI appraisal <br /> of the T eased Property after said Substitution or Removal; <br /> (3) An Opinion of Counsel to the effect that the amendments hereto <br /> contemplating Substitution or Removal have been duly authorized, executed and delivered <br /> and constitute the valid and binding obligations of the City and the Authority enforceable <br /> in accordance with their terms; <br /> (4) In the event of a Substitution, a policy of tide insurance in an amount <br /> equal to the same proportion of the principal amount as the Base Rental payments for the <br /> Substituted Property bears to the total Base Rental payments, insuring the City's <br /> LA1-63219.5 6 <br />
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