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Cont. (part 2)
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
Countywide and City Public Financing Authority
Vol. 1- City of Santa Ana Financing Authority (Police Admin. and Holding Facility)
Cont. (part 2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/12/2020 10:07:45 AM
Creation date
5/12/2020 10:07:15 AM
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shall be of a value which is at least equal to the value of the Leased Property immediately prior <br /> to the malting of such additions, modifications and improvements. <br /> SECTION 2.08. Title to the Leased Property. During the term of this Lease, <br /> the Authority shall have a leasehold interest in the Leased Property, and any and all additions <br /> which comprise fixtures, repairs, replacements or modifications thereof, except for those <br /> fixtures, repairs, replacements or modifications which are added thereto by the City and which <br /> may be removed without damaging the Leased Property. <br /> Upon the termination or expiration of this Lease (other than as provided in Section <br /> 7.01 and 10.01), all right, title and interest in and to the Leased Property shall vest in the City. <br /> Upon any such termination or expiration, the Authority shall execute such conveyances, deeds <br /> and other documents as may be necessary to effect such vesting of record. <br /> SECTION 2.09. Acquisition of Addition Property. The City covenants to <br /> use its best effort to acquire such additional real property as may be necessary or appropriate <br /> for the acquisition, construction and equipping or operation of the Project, and, by executing <br /> appropriate amendments, to lease such property to the Authority pursuant to the Ground Lease <br /> and to sublease such property from the Authority pursuant to this Lease. <br /> LA 1-63219.5 8 <br />
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