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(a) Federal Securities; <br /> (b)bonds, debentures, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by <br /> any of the following federal agencies and provided such obligations are backed by the full faith <br /> and credit of the United States of America (stripped securities are only permitted if they have <br /> been stripped by the agency itself): (i) certificates of beneficial ownership of the Farmers Home <br /> Administration; (ii) debentures of the Federal Housing Administration; (iii) participation <br /> certificates of the General Services Administration; (iv) guaranteed mortgage-backed bonds or <br /> guaranteed pass-through obligations (participation certificates) of the Government National <br /> Mortgage Association; (v) guaranteed Title XI financings of the U.S. Maritime Administration; <br /> and (vi) project notes and local authority bonds of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban <br /> Development; <br /> (c) bonds, debentures,notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by <br /> any of the following non-full faith and credit U.S. government agencies (stripped securities are <br /> only permitted if they have been stripped by the agency itself): (i) senior debt obligations <br /> (consolidated debt obligations) of the Federal Home Loan Bank System; (ii) participation <br /> certificates (mortgage-backed securities) of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation; (iii) <br /> mortgaged-backed securities and senior debt obligations of the Federal National Mortgage <br /> Association (excluding stripped mortgage securities which are valued greater than par on the <br /> portion of unpaid principal); (iv) senior debt obligations of the Student Loan Marketing <br /> Association; (v) obligations (but only the interest component of stripped obligations) of the <br /> Resolution Funding Corporation, and (v)consolidated systemwide bonds and notes of the Farm <br /> Credit System; <br /> (d) money market funds (including funds managed or advised by the trustee or its <br /> affiliates) registered under the Federal Investment Company Act of 1940, whose shares are <br /> registered under the Federal Securities Act of 1933,and having a rating by S&P of"AAAm-G," <br /> "AAAm" or "AAm" and, if rated by Moody's, having a rating by Moody's of"Aaa," "Aa1." or <br /> "Aa2"• <br /> (e) certificates of deposit secured at all times by collateral described in (a) or (b) above, <br /> which have a maturity of one year or less,which are issued by commercial banks, savings and <br /> loan associations or mutual savings banks whose short term obligations are rated "A-1+" or <br /> better by S&P and "Prime-1" by Moody's (such collateral must be held by a third party and <br /> Owners must have a perfected first security interest in such collateral; <br /> (f) certificates of deposit, savings accounts, deposit accounts or money market deposits <br /> which are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; <br /> (g)Investment agreements,including guaranteed investment contracts, acceptable to the <br /> Municipal Bond Insurer; <br /> (h) commercial paper rated, at the time of purchase, "Prime-1"by Moody's and "A-1+" <br /> or better by S&P; <br /> (i) bonds or notes issued by any state or municipality which are rated by Moody's and <br /> S&P in one of the two highest long term rating categories assigned by such agencies; <br /> (j) federal funds or bankers acceptances with a maximum term of one year of any bank <br /> which has an unsecured,uninsured and unguaranteed obligation rating of"Prime-1" or"A3" or <br /> better by Moody's and "A-1+" or better by S&P; <br /> 7 <br />