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APPENDIX III. <br />GLOSSARY OF CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />INVESTMENT POLICY & RELATED CALIFORNIA CODE TERMS <br />AGENCIES: Federal agency securities and/or Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE). [Referenced <br />pages: 9, 10, 11, 16, 18, 31] <br />ASSET- BACKED SECURITES (ABS): securities supported by pools of installment loans or leases or by <br />pools of revolving lines of credit. [Referenced page: 14] <br />ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC TREASURERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA: The Association of <br />Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (APTUS&C), formerly called the Municipal Treasurers <br />Association of the United States and Canada (MTA US & C) was founded in 1965 and represents public <br />treasury and finance officials in local, county, and state/provincial governments throughout North America. <br />The Association provides educational seminars and conferences, publications, policy and legislative <br />information, and technical assistance to members. [Referenced pages: 6, 21] <br />BENEFICIAL SHARES/MONEY MARKET SHARES: In US securities law, a beneficial owner (as distinct <br />from a "nominee owner," "registered owner," or "record holder") of a security includes any person who, directly <br />or indirectly, has or shares voting or investment power also known as money market shares. [Referenced <br />pages: 12, 18] <br />BENCHMARK: A comparative base for measuring the performance or risk tolerance of the investment <br />portfolio. A benchmark should represent a close correlation to the level of risk and the average duration of <br />the portfolio's investments. [Referenced pages: 5, 19] <br />BILLS OF EXCHANGE/BANKERS ACCEPTANCE (BA): A draft or bill or exchange accepted by a bank or <br />trust company. The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer. These <br />instruments are accepted as payment by banks engaged in financing trade. For example, a U.S. corporation <br />planning to purchase goods from a foreign vendor will ask its bank to issue a letter of credit on behalf of the <br />corporation. The letter of credit will allow the foreign vendor to draw a draft on the U.S. corporation's bank to <br />pay for the merchandise. Upon receipt of the letter and the draft, the foreign vendor will ship the merchandise <br />and present the draft at its bank, which allows the vendor to receive payment for the merchandise sold. The <br />vendor's foreign bank forwards the draft to the U.S. bank, at which point the draft is "accepted" as an obligation <br />that the purchaser's U.S. bank must pay at a specified maturity date. The U.S. bank may keep the acceptance <br />or may sell it to a third party investor. Bankers' acceptances are sold at a discount and are considered fairly <br />safe investment instruments because both the purchase's bank and the initiating corporation are obligated to <br />pay the holder at maturity. [Referenced pages: 10, 18, 31] <br />BOOK VALUE: The value at which a debt security is shown on the holder's balance sheet. Book value is <br />acquisition cost less amortization of premium or plus accretion of discount. [Referenced pages: 4, 13, 20] <br />BOOK ENTRY: An electronic system of accountability, custody, transfer, and settlement of securities. Book - <br />entry systems allow rapid and accurate transfers of securities with simultaneous cash settlement. [Referenced <br />pages: 31, 33, 35] <br />BROKER: A broker brings buyers and sellers together for a commission. [Referenced page: 11] <br />City of Santa Annual <br />Statement of Investment Policy Page A <br />July 1, 2020 <br />June 30, 2021 <br />55A-65 <br />