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City of Santa Ana Well No.32 Rehabilitation Project <br />Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />4.0 PROJECT IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES <br />4.1 PROJECTIMPACTS <br />An IS has been prepared to assess the Proposed Project's potential impacts on the <br />environment and the significance of those impacts and is incorporated in the MND. Based on <br />this IS, it has been determined that the Proposed Project would not have any significant impacts <br />on the environment, once all proposed mitigation measures have been implemented. This <br />conclusion is supported by the following findings: <br />• There was no potential for adverse impacts on agricultural and forest resources, land <br />use planning, or mineral resources associated with the Proposed Project. <br />• Potential adverse impacts resulting from the Proposed Project were found to be less <br />than significant in the following areas: aesthetics, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, <br />hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, population and housing, <br />public services, recreation, transportation, utilities and service systems, and wildfire. <br />• Full implementation of the proposed mitigation measures included in this MND would <br />reduce potential project -related adverse impact on air quality, biological resources, <br />cultural resources, geology and soils, noise, and tribal cultural resources to a less than <br />significant level. <br />4.2 MITIGATION MEASURES <br />The following mitigation measures have been incorporated into the scope of work for the <br />Proposed Project and will be fully implemented by the City to avoid or minimize adverse <br />environmental impacts identified in this IS/MND. These mitigation measures will be included in <br />the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan prepared forthis Project (see Appendix B). <br />Mitigation Measures: <br />AIR-1: The Project will be required to comply with regional rules that assist in reducing air <br />pollutant emissions. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 403 requires <br />that fugitive dust be controlled with best available control measures so that the presence of such <br />dust does not remain visible in the atmosphere beyond the property line of the emission source. <br />In addition, SCAQMD Rule 402 requires implementing dust suppression techniques to prevent <br />fugitive dust from creating a nuisance off site. Implementing these dust suppression techniques <br />will reduce the fugitive dust generation (and thus PM10 and PM2.e). Compliance with these rules <br />will reduce impacts on nearby sensitive receptors. Standard requirements and Best <br />Management Practices include the following: <br />• Equipment/vehicles shall not be left idling for periods in excess of five minutes. <br />• Engines shall be maintained in good working order to reduce emissions. <br />• Onsite electrical power connections shall be made available where feasible. <br />• Low -sulfur diesel fuel shall be utilized. <br />• Electric and gasoline powered equipment shall be substituted for diesel powered <br />equipment where feasible. <br />• Exposed soils and haul roads shall be watered up to three times per day to reduce <br />fugitive dust during grading/construction activities, if necessary. <br />• Street sweeping shall be conducted when visible soil accumulations occur along site <br />access roadways to remove dirt dropped by construction vehicles. <br />December 2019 <br />Page 4-1 <br />75A-13 <br />N <br />