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City of Santa Ana Well No.32 Rehabilitation Project <br />Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />• Site access driveways and adjacent streets shall be washed daily, if there are visible <br />signs of any dirt track -out at the conclusion of any workday. <br />• Construction vehicle tires shall be cleaned prior to leaving the Project site. <br />• All trucks hauling dirt away from the site shall be covered, and speeds on unpaved <br />roads shall be reduced below 15 miles per hour. <br />• During high wind conditions (i.e., sustained wind speeds exceeding 20 miles per <br />hour), areas with disturbed soil shall be watered hourly and activities on unpaved <br />surfaces shall cease until wind speeds no longer exceed 20 miles per hour. <br />• Storage piles that are to be left in place for more than three working days shall either <br />be sprayed with a non -toxic soil binder, covered with plastic or revegetated. <br />13I0-1: Nesting Birds — Project activities that will remove or disturb potential nest sites will be <br />scheduled outside the breeding bird season. The breeding bird nesting season typically extends <br />from February 15 through September 15. <br />If Project activities cannot be avoided during February 15 through September 15, a qualified <br />biologist will conduct a pre -construction breeding bird survey for breeding birds and active nests <br />or potential nesting sites within the limits of Project disturbance. The survey will be conducted at <br />least seven days prior to the onset of scheduled activities, such as mobilization and staging. It <br />will end no more than three days prior to vegetation, substrate, and structure removal and/or <br />disturbance. <br />If no breeding birds or active nests are observed during the pre -construction survey or they are <br />observed and will not be impacted, Project activities may begin, and no further mitigation will be <br />required. <br />If a breeding bird territory or an active bird nest is located during the pre -construction survey <br />and will potentially be impacted, the site will be mapped on engineering drawings and a no - <br />activity buffer zone will be marked (fencing, stakes, flagging, orange snow fencing, etc.) a <br />minimum of 100 feet in all directions or 500 feet in all directions for listed bird species and all <br />raptors. The biologist will determine the appropriate buffer size based on the type of activities <br />planned near the nest and the type of bird that created the nest. Some bird species are more <br />tolerant than others of noise and activities occurring near their nest. This no -activity buffer zone <br />will not be disturbed until a qualified biologist has determined that the nest is inactive, the young <br />have fledged, the young are no longer being fed by the parents, the young have left the area, or <br />the young will no longer be impacted by Project activities. Periodic monitoring by a biologist will <br />be performed to determine when nesting is complete. Once the nesting cycle has finished, <br />Project activities may begin within the buffer zone. <br />If listed bird species are observed within the Project site during the pre -construction survey, the <br />biologist will immediately map the area and notify the appropriate resource agency to determine <br />suitable protection measures and/or mitigation measures and to determine if additional surveys <br />or focused protocol surveys are necessary. Project activities may begin within the area only <br />when concurrence is received from the appropriate resource agency. <br />Birds or their active nests will not be disturbed, captured, handled or moved. Active nests <br />cannot be removed or disturbed; however, nests can be removed or disturbed if determined <br />inactive by a qualified biologist. <br />CUL-1: Environmental Training — prior to construction of the Project, a qualified archaeologist <br />will provide a cultural resource briefing that includes all applicable laws and penalties pertaining <br />to disturbing cultural resources, a brief discussion of the prehistoric and historic regional context <br />and archaeological sensitivity of the area, types of cultural resources found in the area, <br />instruction that Project workers will halt construction if a cultural resource is inadvertently <br />NPage 4-2 December 2019 <br />