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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />b. Such subsidiary is not an insured <br />under similar other insurance. <br />No such subsidiary is an insured for <br />"bodily injury" or "property damage" <br />that occurred, or "personal and <br />advertising injury" caused by an <br />offense committed: <br />a Before you maintained an ownership <br />interest of more than 50% in such <br />subsidiary; or <br />b. After the date, if any, during the <br />policy period that you no longer <br />maintain an ownership interest of <br />more than 50% in such subsidiary. <br />For purposes of Paragraph 1. of <br />Section 11 _ Who Is An Insured, each <br />such subsidiary will be deemed to be <br />designated in the Declarations as: <br />a A limited liability company; <br />b. An organization other than a <br />partnership, joint venture or limited <br />liability company; or <br />C. A trust; <br />as indicated in its name or the <br />documents that govern its structure. <br />C. WHO IS AN INSURED - EMPLOYEES - <br />SUPERVISORY POSITIONS <br />The following is added to Paragraph <br />2.a(1) of SECTION it — WHO IS AN <br />INSURED: <br />Paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c) above do <br />not apply to "bodily injury" to a co - <br />"employee" while in the course of the <br />co -"employee's" employment by you <br />arising out of work by any of your <br />"employees" who hold a supervisory <br />position. <br />0. WHO IS AN INSURED - NEWLY ACQUIRED <br />OR FORMED LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES <br />The following replaces Paragraph 3. of <br />SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED: <br />3. Any organization you newly acquire <br />or form, other than a partnership or <br />joint venture, and of which you are <br />the sole owner or in which you <br />maintain an ownership interest of <br />more than 50%, will qualify as a <br />Named Insured if there is no other <br />similar insurance available to that <br />organization. However: <br />the policy period, whichever is <br />earlier, if you do not report such <br />organization in writing to us <br />within 180 days after you <br />acquire or form it; or <br />(2) Until the end of the policy <br />period, when that date is later <br />than 180 days after you acquire <br />or form such organization, if <br />you report such organization in <br />writing to us within 180 days <br />after you acquire or form it; <br />b. Coverage A does not apply to <br />"bodily injury" or "property <br />damage" that occurred before you <br />acquired or formed the organ- <br />ization; and <br />C. Coverage B does not apply to <br />"personal and advertising injury" <br />arising out of an offense committed <br />before you acquired or formed the <br />organization. <br />For the purposes of Paragraph 1. of <br />Section II - Who Is An Insured, each <br />such organization will be deemed to be <br />designated in the Declarations as: <br />a A limited liability company; <br />b. An organization, other than a <br />partnership, joint venture or limited <br />liability company; or <br />C. A trust; <br />as indicated in its name or the <br />documents that govern its structure. <br />E. WHO IS AN INSURED - LIABILITY FOR <br />CONDUCT OF UNNAMED PARTNERSHIPS OR <br />JOINT VENTURES <br />The following replaces the last paragraph <br />of SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED: <br />No person or organization is an insured <br />with respect to the conduct of any current <br />or past partnership or joint venture that is <br />not shown as a Named Insured in the <br />Declarations. This paragraph does not <br />apply to any such partnership or joint <br />venture that otherwise qualifies as an <br />insured under Section II - Who Is An <br />Insured. <br />F. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - PERSONS <br />OR ORGANIZATIONS FOR YOUR ONGOING <br />OPERATIONS AS REQUIRED BY WRITTEN <br />CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT <br />a Coverage under this provision is The following is added to SECTION II - <br />afforded only: REVIEWED & UM' INSURED: <br />(1) Until the 180th day®yR66MANAgE4%rD~ or organization that is not <br />you acquire or form the of erwlse an insured under this Coverage <br />organization or the end 0JU 1PMUnd that you have agreed in a written <br />Page 2 of 5 0 2017 The Trave >ny rights reserved. CG D4 17 02 19 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Inspi�lxgq#1LSA0I1 'EdWi( e, Inc. with its permission <br />