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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />repay someone else who must pay <br />damages because of the "bodily <br />injury". <br />Exclusions c. through L do not apply to <br />"premises damage". A separate limit of <br />insurance applies to "premises damage" <br />as described in Paragraph 6. of Section <br />III - Limits Of Insurance. <br />COVERAGE B — PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING <br />INJURY LIABILITY <br />1. Insuring Agreement <br />L We will pay those sums that the <br />insured becomes legally obligated to <br />pay as damages because of "personal <br />and advertising injury" to which this <br />insurance applies. We will have the <br />right and duty to defend the insured <br />against any "suit" seeking those <br />damages. However, we will have no <br />duty to defend the insured against <br />any "suit" seeking damages for <br />"personal and advertising injury" to <br />which this insurance does not apply. <br />We may, at our discretion, investigate <br />any offense and settle any claim or <br />"suit" that may result. But: <br />(1) The amount we will pay for <br />damages is limited as described in <br />Section III - Limits Of Insurance; <br />and <br />(2) Our right and duty to defend end <br />when we have used up the <br />applicable limit of insurance in the <br />payment of judgments or <br />settlements under Coverages A or <br />B or medical expenses under <br />Coverage C. <br />No other obligation or liability to pay <br />sums or perform acts or services is <br />covered unless explicitly provided for <br />under Supplementary Payments. <br />This exclusion does not apply to <br />"personal injury" caused by malicious <br />prosecution. <br />b. Material Published With Knowledge Of <br />Falsity <br />"Personal and advertising injury" <br />arising out of oral or written <br />publication, including publication by <br />electronic means, of material, if done <br />by or at the direction of the insured <br />with knowledge of its falsity. <br />c. Material Published Or Used Prior To <br />Policy Period <br />(1) "Personal and advertising injury" <br />arising out of oral or written <br />publication, including publication <br />by electronic means, of material <br />whose first publication took place <br />before the beginning of the policy <br />period; or <br />(2) "Advertising injury" arising out of <br />infringement of copyright, "title" <br />or "slogan" in your "advertisement" <br />whose first infringement in your <br />"advertisement" was committed <br />before the beginning of the policy <br />period. <br />d. Criminal Acts <br />"Personal and advertising injury" <br />arising out of a criminal act <br />committed by or at the direction of <br />the insured. <br />e. Contractual Liability <br />"Personal and advertising injury" for <br />which the insured has assumed <br />liability in a contract or agreement. <br />This exclusion does not apply to <br />liability for damages: <br />(1) That the insured would have in the <br />absence of the contract or <br />agreement; or <br />b. This insurance applies to "personal (2) <br />Because of "personal injuryr <br />and advertising injury" caused by an <br />assumed by you in a contract or <br />offense arising out of your business <br />agreement that is an "insured <br />but only if the offense was <br />"coverage <br />contract", provided that the <br />committed in the territory" <br />personal injury" is caused by an <br />during the policy period. <br />offense committed subsequent to <br />2. Exclusions <br />the execution of the contract or <br />agreement. Solely for the <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />purposes of liability assumed by <br />a Knowing Violation Of Rights Of Another <br />you in an "insured contract", <br />nable attorneys' fees and <br />"Personal and advertising R�p��(!�y'�'/ED & APPRC=sary litigation expenses <br />caused by or at the direction6�111t16keMANAGEMENT Diits4SKred <br />by or for a party other <br />insured with the knowledge that the <br />than an insured will be deemed to <br />act would violate the rights cl) IN202Q <br />another and would inflict "person <br />be damages because of "personal <br />injury", provided that: <br />and advertising injury". <br />ANGIE ACEVEdG <br />CO T1 00 02 19 O 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved Page 7 of 23 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office. Inc. with its permission <br />