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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />n. Pollution -Related <br />Any loss, cost or expense arising out <br />of any: <br />(1) Request, demand, order or <br />statutory or regulatory requirement <br />that any insured or others test <br />for, monitor, clean up, remove, <br />contain, treat, detoxify or <br />neutralize, or in any way respond <br />to, or assess the effects of, <br />"pollutants"; or <br />(2) Claim or suit by or on behalf of <br />any governmental authority or any <br />other person or organization <br />because of testing for, monitoring, <br />cleaning up, removing, containing, <br />treating, detoxifying or neutraliz- <br />ing, or in any way responding to, <br />or assessing the effects of, <br />"pollutants". <br />o. War <br />"Personal and advertising injury" <br />arising out of: <br />(1) War, including undeclared or civil <br />war; <br />(2) Warlike action by a military force, <br />including action in hindering or <br />defending against an actual or <br />expected attack, by any <br />government, sovereign or other <br />authority using military personnel <br />or other agents; or <br />(3) Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, <br />usurped power, or action taken by <br />governmental authority in hinder- <br />ing or defending against any of <br />these. <br />p. Unsolicited Communication <br />"Personal and advertising injury" <br />arising out of any actual or alleged <br />violation of any law that restricts or <br />prohibits the sending, transmitting or <br />distributing of "unsolicited com- <br />munication". <br />q. Access Or Disclosure Of Confidential Or <br />Personal information <br />asbestos fibers or products <br />containing asbestos, provided that <br />the "personal and advertising <br />injury" is caused or contributed to <br />by the hazardous properties of <br />asbestos. <br />(2) "Personal and advertising injury" <br />arising out of the actual or <br />alleged presence or actual, alleged <br />or threatened dispersal of any <br />solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal <br />irritant or contaminant, including <br />smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, <br />alkalis, chemicals and waste, and <br />that are part of any claim or <br />"suit" which also alleges any <br />"Personal and advertising injury" <br />described in Paragraph (1) above. <br />(3) Any loss, cost or expense arising <br />out of any: <br />(a) Request, demand, order or <br />statutory or regulatory require- <br />ment that any insured or <br />others test for, monitor, clean <br />up, remove, contain, treat, <br />detoxify or neutralize, or in <br />any way respond to, or assess <br />the effects of, asbestos, <br />asbestos fibers or products <br />containing asbestos; or <br />(b) Claim or suit by or on behalf <br />of any governmental authority <br />or any other person or <br />organization because of testing <br />for, monitoring, cleaning up, <br />removing, containing, treating, <br />detoxifying or neutralizing, or <br />in any way responding to, or <br />assessing the effects of, <br />asbestos, asbestos fibers or <br />products containing asbestos. <br />S. Employment -Related Practices <br />"Personal injury" to: <br />(1) A person arising out of any: <br />(a) Refusal to employ that person; <br />(b) Termination of that person's <br />employment; or <br />"Personal and advertising injury" (C) Employment -related practice, <br />arising out of any access to or policy, act or omission, such <br />disclosure of any person's or as coercion, demotion, <br />organization's confidential or personal evaluation, reassignment, dis- <br />information. cipline, failure to promote or <br />REVIEWED & APPRO nce, harassment, humiliation, <br />r. Asbestos ByRISkMANAGEMENTDiv rimination, libel, slander, <br />(1) "Personal and advertising injury" 1�i9Ntion of the person's right <br />arising out of the actual or JUN 0 202� of privacy, malicious pro - <br />alleged presence or actual, alleged secution or false arrest, <br />or threatened dispersal of asbesto detention or imprisonment <br />ANGIE ACEVEdQ .applied to or directed at that <br />CO T1 00 02 19 O 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 23 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />