Laserfiche WebLink
CYBERFIRST <br />web -site or "your computer or <br />or computer operating system or related <br />communications network" that <br />network. <br />prevented "authorized users" from <br />3. "Denial <br />accessing such web -site, or <br />of service attack" means an <br />computer or communications net- <br />intentional attack on a web -site or a <br />work. <br />computer or communications network for <br />the purpose of nuisance, sabotage or <br />d. Intellectual Property <br />malicious tampering that has the effect <br />Loss arising out of any actual or <br />of <br />alleged infringement or violation of <br />a Depleting system resources available <br />any of the following rights or laws: <br />through the Internet to "authorized <br />(1) Copyright; <br />users" of your web -site or "your <br />computer or communications <br />(2) Patent; <br />network"; or <br />(3) Trade dress; <br />b. Impeding access of "authorized <br />users" to your web -site or "your <br />(4) Trade name; <br />computer or communications net- <br />(5) Trade secret; <br />work". <br />(6) Trademark; or <br />4. "Identity information" means any of the <br />following information concerning a person: <br />(7) Other intellectual property rights <br />laws. <br />a Nonpublic personal information as <br />or <br />defined in the Gramm -Leach Bliley <br />e. Internet Service Interruption <br />Act of 1999, or any of its <br />Loss arising out of an Internet <br />amendments, or any regulation issued <br />service interruption or failure. <br />pursuant to such Act; <br />This exclusion does not apply if such <br />It. Medical or health care information, <br />including protected health Information <br />i <br />interruption or failure was caused by <br />as defined in the Health Insurance <br />you. <br />Portability and Accountability Act of <br />I. Privacy Related <br />1996, or any of its amendments, or <br />any regulation issued pursuant to <br />Loss arising out of disclosure or use <br />such Act; <br />of material that: <br />C. Personal information that is protected <br />(1) Appropriates a person's name, <br />from unauthorized access or <br />voice, photograph or likeness; or <br />acquisition under any other local, <br />(2) Unreasonably places a person in a <br />state, federal or foreign law or <br />false light. <br />regulation; or <br />g. Property Damage <br />d. A driver's license or state <br />identification number; social security <br />Loss arising out of physical damage <br />number; unpublished telephone <br />to tangible property of others, <br />number; or credit, debit or charge <br />including all resulting loss of use of <br />card number, or other financial <br />that property. <br />account number and any security <br />For the purposes of this insurance, <br />code, access code, password or PIN <br />number associated with such credit, <br />data, including information, facts or <br />debit or charge card number or other <br />programs in any electronic or other <br />financial account number. <br />format, is not tangible property. <br />SECTION 11 —DEFINITIONS <br />S. "Identity information provision" means <br />"privacy <br />any provision in your policy" <br />1. "Authorized user" includes your <br />that: <br />customer, supplier or supporter. IR�F <br />2. "Computer virus" means maliciQ(t§gl!E <br />,,,errr���mmmts or prohibits wrongful or <br />APP orcollection of "identity <br />that is Introduced through your e t aNn <br />eMeNt <br />or "your computer or communicatlor,}stN <br />network". Once introduced, such coodd6�l <br />y,2Tequires notice to a person of the <br />th ollection or use of "identity <br />may destroy, alter, contaminate or. <br />information"; <br />degrade the integrity, qua ' <br />---- <br />performance of data of any compuAIlggiEACEPFMrovides a person the ability to <br />application software, computer network, <br />agree to or withhold permission for <br />PR T1 03 01 17 O 2016 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved Page 3 Of 4 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />