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DocuSign Envelope ID: 26A1 FOD6-5970-4421 -B5CB-2891848ECB74 <br />be responsible for the professional quality, technical assurance, timely completion and <br />coordination of all documentation and other goods/services furnished by the Subrecipient under <br />this Contract. Subrecipient shall perform all work diligently, carefully, and in a good and <br />workmanlike manner; shall furnish all necessary labor, supervision, machinery, equipment, <br />materials, and supplies, shall at its sole expense obtain and maintain all permits and licenses <br />required by public authorities, including those of County required in its governmental capacity, <br />in connection with performance of the work. If permitted to subcontract, Subrecipient shall be <br />fully responsible for all work performed by subcontractors. <br />0. Insurance Requirements: <br />Prior to the provision of services under this Contract, the Subrecipient agrees to purchase all <br />required insurance at Subrecipient's expense, including all endorsements required herein, <br />necessary to satisfy the County that the insurance provisions of this Contract have been complied <br />with. Subrecipient agrees to keep such insurance coverage, Certificates of Insurance, and <br />endorsements on deposit with the County during the entire term of this Contract. In addition, all <br />subcontractors performing work on behalf of Subrecipient pursuant to this Contract shall obtain <br />insurance subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth herein for Subrecipient. <br />Subrecipient shall ensure that all subcontractors performing work on behalf of Subrecipient <br />pursuant to this Contract shall be covered under Subrecipient's insurance as an Additional <br />Insured or maintain insurance subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth herein for <br />Subrecipient. Subrecipient shall not allow subcontractors to work if subcontractors have less <br />than the level of coverage required by County from Subrecipient under this Contract. It is the <br />obligation of Subrecipient to provide notice of the insurance requirements to every subcontractor <br />and to receive proof of insurance prior to allowing any subcontractor to begin work. Such proof <br />of insurance must be maintained by Subrecipient through the entirety of this Contract for <br />inspection by County representative(s) at any reasonable time. <br />All self -insured retentions (SIRS) shall be clearly stated on the Certificate of Insurance. Any self - <br />insured retention (SIR) in an amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) shall <br />specifically be approved by the County's Risk Manager, or designee, upon review of <br />Subrecipient's current audited financial report. If Subrecipient's SIR is approved, Subrecipient, <br />in addition to, and without limitation of, any other indemnity provision(s) in this Contract, agrees <br />to all of the following: <br />1) In addition to the duty to indemnify and hold the County harmless against any and all <br />liability, claim, demand or suit resulting from Subrecipient's, its agents, employee's or <br />subcontractor's performance of this Contract, Subrecipient shall defend the County at its <br />sole cost and expense with counsel approved by Board of supervisors against same; and <br />2) Subrecipient's duty to defend, as stated above, shall be absolute and irrespective of any <br />duty to indemnify or hold harmless; and <br />3) The provisions of California Civil Code Section 2860 shall apply to any and all actions <br />to which the duty to defend stated above applies, and the Subrecipient's SIR provision <br />shall be interpreted as though the Subrecipient was an insurer and the County was the <br />insured. <br />County of Orange Page 10 of 42 City of Santa Etna. <br />Orange County Community Resources Contract No.: 19-28-0070-RWS <br />