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DocuSign Envelope ID: 26A1 FOD6-5970-4421 -B5CB-2891848ECB74 <br />permission from the student in order to release any information from a student's education <br />record. <br />The Subrecipient shall be guided by the following principles: (1) the release of any personally <br />identifiable student information to any third parties shall be managed in ways that are in <br />compliance with FERPA and (2) the information in the student's file should be disclosed to <br />the student upon request. Therefore, Subrecipient shall procure the written consent from <br />students enrolled through the County allowing Subrecipient to disclose to the participants' <br />employer, County of Orange, State of California, or U.S. Department of Labor student <br />information such as grades, academic disputes and other matters related to a student's status <br />as a student. Such consent shall be obtained materially in the form, titled Family Educational <br />Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Authorization to Release Information to a Designated Third <br />Party. <br />D. Subrecipient agrees that any and all subcontracts entered into shall be subject to the <br />confidentiality requirements of this Contract. <br />56. Compliance with Law — Contract: <br />In its performance under this Contract, Subrecipient shall fully comply with the requirements of <br />the following, whether or not otherwise referred to in this Contract: <br />A. The Act and all applicable Federal statues, regulations, policies, procedures and directives, <br />including but not limited to, 20 CFR WIOA NPRM Parts 676 through 678 and Parts 675, 679 <br />through 687. <br />i. All applicable standards and orders and requirements issued under Section 306 of the <br />Clean Air Act, Section 508 of the Clean Water Act and Environmental Protection Agency <br />regulations in contracts in excess of $100,000. <br />ii. All mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency as particularized in the <br />State Energy Conservation Plan (Title 20, California Code of Regulations), as required <br />by the U.S. Energy Policy and Conservation Act (P.L. 94-163) as each may now exist or <br />be thereafter amended; <br />B. All applicable State statues, regulations, policies, procedures and directives; <br />C. All applicable County policies, procedures and directives; <br />D. All applicable local ordinances and requirements, including use permits and licensing; <br />E. Court orders applicable to Subrecipient's operations; and <br />F. The terms and conditions of this Contract, including Attachments and Exhibits. <br />County of Orange Page 41 of 42 City of Santa Ana. <br />Orange County Community Resources Contract No.: 19-28- 00 70-R WS <br />