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DocuSign Envelope ID: 26A1 FOD6-5970-4421 -B5CB-2891848ECB74 <br />Contract No. 19-28-0070-RWS <br />with <br />City of Santa Ana <br />for <br />Reginal Workforce Services <br />This Contract No. 19-28-0070-RWS for Regional Workforce Services (hereinafter referred to as <br />"Contract") is made and entered into as of the date fully executed by and between the County of Orange, <br />a political subdivision of the State of California; hereinafter referred to as "County" and City of Santa <br />Ana, D-U-N-S No. 083153247, a municipal corporation in the State of California, with a place of <br />business at 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701-4058 (hereinafter referred to as "Subrecipient"), <br />with a County and Subrecipient sometimes referred to as "Party" or collectively as "Parties". <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />This Contract is comprised of this document and the following Attachments and Exhibits, <br />which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference into this Contract: <br />Attachment A — General Program Requirements <br />Attachment B Scope of Services <br />Attachment C — Budget Schedule <br />Attachment D — Performance Standards <br />Exhibit I — Drug Free Workplace Certification <br />Exhibit 2 — Debarment and Suspension Certificate <br />Exhibit 3 — Certification Regarding Lobbying <br />Exhibit 4 — Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying <br />Exhibit 5 — OC Community Resources Contract Reimbursement Policy <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, Congress has enacted the "Workforce Investment Act of 1998," subsequently <br />reauthorized on July 22, 2014 as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), hereinafter <br />referred to as "the Act," to provide workforce innovation activities, through statewide and local <br />workforce investment systems, that increase employment, retention and earnings of participants, and <br />increase occupational skill attainment by participants, and, as a result, improve the duality of the <br />workforce and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation; and <br />WHEREAS, County and Subrecipient accepts the State of California Employment Development <br />Department Workforce Services Directive dated February 24, 2016, Number WSD15-17; and <br />WHEREAS, County, acting as the Administrator of the Act funds, is empowered to make a <br />portion of the funds available pursuant to the Act (hereinafter referred to as "grant funds") to <br />Subrecipient, for the purpose of implementing the provisions of the Act; and <br />WHEREAS, Subrecipient and County are entering into this Contract for Regional Workforce <br />Services Professional services under a cost reimbursement Contract; and <br />County of Orange Page b of 42 City of Santa Ana. <br />Orange County Community Resources Contract No.: 19-28-0070-RWS <br />