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EXHIBIT 2 <br />U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT <br />WASHINGTON, DC 20410-5000 <br />OFFICE OF PUBLIC AND INDIAN HOUSING <br />Special Attention of: <br />Office Directors of Public Housing, <br />Regional Directors, and Public Housing <br />Agencies. <br />P 1 Notice PIH-2020-08 <br />Issued: April 28, 2020 <br />Expires: This notice remains in effect until <br />amended, superseded, or rescinded <br />Cross References: PIH Notice 2020-04 <br />SUBJECT: CARES Act—HCV Program Administrative Fees <br />1. Purpose. This notice implements the funding provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher <br />(HCV) and Mainstream Programs in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act <br />(CARES Act) (Public Law 116-136), enacted on March 27, 2020. The CARES Act provides <br />additional appropriations for housing assistance payments (HAP) and administrative fee <br />funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. The Tenant -Based Rental <br />Assistance portion of the CARES Act is attached as Appendix A. <br />This notice addresses HUD's allocation methodology for the administrative fee portion of <br />this appropriation and establishes new eligible activities to prevent, prepare for, or respond to <br />coronavirus that may be funded with these supplemental administrative fee amounts. <br />2. Summary. The CARES Act provides funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond to <br />coronavirus, including for public housing agencies to maintain normal operations and take <br />other necessary actions during the period the program is impacted by coronavirus. The total <br />supplemental appropriation for the HCV Program is $1.25 billion. <br />This notice covers the administrative fee portion totaling $850 million for HCV Programs, <br />including the Mainstream Program, which provides tenant -based vouchers that serve <br />households that include a non -elderly person with a disability under competitive awards. <br />This administrative fee funding may be used by public housing agencies (PHAs) for <br />administrative expenses and other expenses related to coronavirus, which are new eligible <br />activities defined by the Secretary in section 4 of this notice. <br />HUD will obligate the supplemental administrative fee amounts in several actions. This <br />notice describes the initial funding action in the approximate amount of $380 million. <br />Forthcoming guidance will describe the allocation methodology of the remaining ($470 <br />million) supplemental administrative fee funding. Additionally, HUD will issue a separate <br />20A-5 <br />