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6. Payment of Purchase Price. City agrees to pay to Seller, and Seller agrees to accept <br />from City, as and for the full purchase price for said real property, the total sum of Five <br />Hundred Two Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($502,000). City agrees to deposit said purchase <br />price in escrow with the Escrow Agent within THIRTY (30) days from and after the date on <br />which the City has approved this Agreement, and the Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to pay <br />the same to Seller upon and after: <br />(a) Conveyance of said real property by Seller to City as hereinabove provided; <br />(b) Acceptance by City of a Grant Deed conveying said real property to City; <br />(c) Delivery to City of the policy of title insurance as hereinabove provided; <br />(d) Recordation of the Deed conveying said real property to City. <br />7. Possession. Seller agrees to deliver to City, on the date the Deed conveying said real <br />property to City is recorded, quiet and peaceful possession of said real property, which shall be <br />made free by Seller of all personal property. <br />a. No later than fourteen (14) days after close of escrow, Seller shall have removed <br />all merchandise, inventory, equipment, personal property, and/or removable <br />trade fixtures from the Property. Any merchandise, inventory, equipment, <br />personal property, and/or removable trade fixtures at the Property as of fourteen <br />(14) days after close of escrow shall be deemed abandoned by Seller on that <br />date. <br />b. If Seller does not vacate the Property by the above stated date, the Seller agrees <br />to have the Court immediately issue a Writ of Possession and/or Assistance, <br />directing the Marshall or Sheriff of Orange County to take physical possession of <br />the Property in favor of the City. Seller waives the right to have the City file an <br />unlawful detainer action, as well as waive the right to any hearing or any <br />requirements for an application by City to obtain the Writ of Possession and/or <br />Assistance and waives any and all rights to object to the issuance of said Writ if <br />Seller does not vacate the Property by fourteen (14) days after close of escrow. <br />B. Holdover Seller. At the sole discrepancy of the City, the City may allow the Seller to <br />stay beyond the three days after the close of escrow as stated in Section 7a. In doing so, the <br />Seller will become a Holdover Seller, and will be required to sign an interim rental agreement. <br />Said rental agreement will provide the rental rate and terms of the lease. If the City or its agents <br />fail to provide said rental agreement to Seller and Seller is still in occupancy of the Property <br />after the three days after the close of escrow, then Seller is responsible to contact the City or its <br />agents, to determine as to where to send their rent payment. Failure of City or its agents to <br />present the interim rental agreement to Seller does not absolve the Seller from paying rent. <br />9. Rental and Occupancy By Seller. Seller agrees to execute a complete, current and <br />correct statement of rentals (Seller Estoppel) on a form furnished to Seller by City and deliver <br />same to City within fifteen (15) days hereof with copies of any written leases or rental <br />agreements attached. All rents will be prorated as of the close of escrow on the basis of a 30- <br />day month/365-day year consistent with that statement, subject to approval of City. Seller <br />hereby agrees not to rent any units on the premises which are vacant as of the date that this <br />agreement is executed by seller, or which may be vacated by present occupants prior to close <br />of escrow. In return, the City agrees to reimburse seller lost rentals incurred by keeping units <br />vacant through the close of escrow. Seller agrees that any and all Tenant Security Deposits <br />