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5.2.3 Alternate License Fee. In the event the relevant provisions of the FCC <br />Declaratory Ruling cease to be effective, (for example, because they are stayed after having gone <br />into effect, or they are vacated or invalidated and have not been replaced by the FCC with an <br />alternative provision setting a specific amount as License Fee), the Licensee shall automatically <br />and immediately be obligated to pay the Alternate License Fee as described in this paragraph and <br />paragraph 5.2.4, if applicable. For each location covered by a Supplement, Licensee shall pay to <br />the Licensor an Alternate License Fee in the base amount of one thousand five hundred dollars <br />($1,500) per year ("Alternate License Fee"). The base amount of the Alternate License Fee shall <br />be subject to an annual adjustment of three percent (3%) applied on each anniversary of the <br />Effective Date. There shall be no refunds of Alternate License Fee paid due to the termination or <br />expiration of the Agreement for any reason. <br />5.2.4 The Licensor agrees that irrespective of whether the relevant provisions of <br />the FCC Declaratory Ruling (FCC 18-133) cease to be effective, no Alternate License Fee shall <br />be due for any periods during which the relevant provisions of the FCC Declaratory Ruling were <br />in effect. However, if Licensee has paid License Fee pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.2.2 <br />above for a year, and the relevant provisions of the FCC Declaratory Ruling subsequently cease to <br />be effective during the same year, the Licensee shall pay the difference between the License Fee <br />and the Alternate License Fee for the period from the date the relevant provisions of the FCC <br />Declaratory Ruling ceased to be effective, until the next anniversary of the Effective Date of this <br />Agreement ("License Fee Adjustment"). Such License Fee Adjustment shall be paid to Licensor <br />on the next anniversary of the Effective Date of this Agreement. <br />5.3 Payment. <br />5.3.1 Licensee shall make the first payment of License Fee (or Alternate License <br />Fee, if applicable) under any Supplement within forty-five (45) days of the Supplement Effective <br />Date. The amount of the first payment of License Fee (or Alternate License Fee, if applicable) for <br />any Supplement shall be prorated to cover the period from the Supplement Effective Date of the <br />applicable Supplement to the next anniversary of the Effective Date of this Agreement. Thereafter, <br />License Fee (or Alternate License Fee, if applicable) shall be paid in advance for each Municipal <br />Facility used on or before each anniversary of the Effective Date. Acceptance by Licensor of any <br />payment of the License Fee (or Alternate License Fee, if applicable) shall not be deemed a waiver <br />by Licensor of any breach of this Agreement occurring prior thereto, nor will the acceptance by <br />Licensor of any such payment preclude Licensor from later establishing that a greater amount was <br />actually due or from collecting any balance that is due. As a prerequisite to the payment of License <br />Fee (or Alternate License Fee, if applicable), Licensor hereby agrees to provide to Licensee certain <br />documentation (the "License Documentation") evidencing Licensor's interest in, and right to <br />receive payments under, this Agreement, including without limitation: (i) a complete and fully <br />executed Internal Revenue Service Form W-9, or equivalent, in a form acceptable to Licensee, for <br />any party to whom License Fee payments are to be made pursuant to this Agreement; and (ii) other <br />documentation requested by Licensee in Licensee's reasonable discretion. From time to time <br />during the Term of this Agreement and within thirty (30) days of a written request from Licensee, <br />Licensor agrees to provide updated License Documentation in a form reasonably acceptable to <br />Licensee. <br />Page 8 of 23 <br />25F-10 <br />