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Attachment 2: Application Nexus to Accelerating Housing Production <br />Applicants shall demonstrate how the application includes a nexus to accelerating housing production <br />by providing data regarding current baseline conditions and projected outcomes such as a reduction <br />in timing, lower development costs, increased approval certainty, increases in number of entitlements, <br />more feasibility, orincreases in capacity. An expected outcome should be provided for each proposed <br />deliverable. If necessary, use Appendix B to explain the activity and its nexus to accelerating housing <br />production. <br />Select at least one <br />*Baseline <br />**Projected <br />***Difference <br />Notes <br />Timing (e.g., reduced <br />3-month <br />1-month <br />2-month Zoning Code update <br />number of processing <br />reduction amendments <br />days) <br />Development cost (e.g., <br />land, fees, financing, <br />construction costs per <br />unit <br />Zoning Code update <br />Approval certainty and <br />reduction in <br />and rezone for <br />discretionary review 5-month <br />3-month <br />2-month reduct General Plan <br />(e.g., prior versus <br />consistency <br />proposed standard and <br />level of discretion] <br />o <br />Entitlement streamlining <br />(e.g., number of <br />approvals) <br />Feasibility of development <br />Infrastructure capacity <br />(e.g., number of units) <br />Impact on housing supply <br />405 <br />3,087 <br />2,682 <br />HE update: RHNA 2014-21 $ <br />and affordability (e.g., <br />2021-29, includes666 <br />number of units) <br />(944-278) more lower income <br />* Baseline — Current conditions in the jurisdiction (e.g. 6-month development application <br />review, or existing number of units in a planning area) <br />**Projected — Expected conditions in the jurisdiction because of the planning grant actions <br />(e.g. 2-month development application review) <br />***Difference — Potential change resulting from the planning grant actions (e.g., 4-month <br />acceleration in permitting, creating a more expedient development process) <br />LEAP NOFA Application Rev. 112412020 55B-12 Page 8 of 14 <br />