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III. Program Summary <br />The Local Early Action Planning Grants Program (LEAP or Program) is part of the <br />broader Program formerly known as the Local Government Planning Support <br />Grants Program, which was established as part of the 2019-20 Budget Act. The <br />2019-20 Budget Act provides a spectrum of support, incentives, resources and <br />accountability to meet California's housing goals. Some specific elements include: <br />• Planning Support (local and regional planning grants) <br />• Incentives (Prohousing preference and infill incentive grants) <br />• Funding Resources <br />• Accountability (penalties for noncompliant housing plans) <br />• Reform (collaborative processes to reform regional housing needs) <br />The Local Government Planning Support Grants Program provides one-time grant <br />funding to regions and jurisdictions for technical assistance, preparation and <br />adoption of planning documents, and process improvements. The over -arching <br />goals of the Program are to (1) accelerate housing production; and (2) facilitate <br />compliance to implement the sixth cycle of the regional housing need assessment <br />(RHNA). <br />IV. Program Timeline <br />Grants will be available to eligible applicants on a noncompetitive, Over -the - <br />Counter (OTC) basis. Applications will be accepted from the date of the release of <br />this NOFA and up until July 1, 2020. See Table 1 below for the anticipated <br />timeline for awards for the OTC period. <br />Event <br />Date <br />NOFA Release <br />January 27, 2020 <br />NOFA Application Webinar <br />February 14, 2020 <br />NOFA Application Workshops <br />February and March 2020 <br />Final Due Date for OTC Applications <br />July 1, 2020 <br />Technical Assistance <br />February 2020 through <br />December 31, 2023 <br />Expenditure Deadline <br />December 31, 2023 <br />CA HCD Notice of Funding Availability 56B-24 Local Early Action Planning Grants 2020 <br />