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9. Rezoning to meet requirements pursuant to Gov. Code Section 65583(c)(1), <br />and other rezoning efforts to comply with Housing Element requirements, <br />including Gov. Code Section 65583.2(c) (AB 1397, Statutes of 2018); <br />10. Upzoning or other implementation measures to intensify land use patterns in <br />strategic locations, such as close proximity to transit, jobs or other <br />amenities; <br />11. Rezoning for multifamily housing in high resource areas (according to Tax <br />Credit Allocation Committee/Housing Community Development Opportunity <br />Area Maps); <br />12. Establishing pre -approved architectural and site plans; <br />13. Preparing and adopting Housing Elements of the General Plan that include <br />an implementation component to facilitate compliance with the sixth cycle <br />RHNA; <br />14.Adopting planning documents to coordinate with suballocations under <br />Regional Early Action Planning Grants (REAP) pursuant to Health and <br />Safety Code Section 50515.02(f) that accommodate the development of <br />housing and infrastructure, and accelerate housing production in a way that <br />aligns with state planning priorities, housing, transportation equity and <br />climate goals, including hazard mitigation or climate adaptation; <br />15. Zoning for by -right supportive housing, pursuant to Gov. Code section <br />65651 (Chapter 753, Statutes of 2018); <br />16. Zoning incentives for housing for persons with special needs, including <br />persons with developmental disabilities; <br />17. Planning documents related to carrying out a local or regional housing trust <br />fund; <br />18. Environmental hazard assessments; data collection on permit tracking; <br />feasibility studies, site analysis, or other background studies that are <br />ancillary (e.g., less than 15 percent of the total grant amount) and part of a <br />proposed activity with a nexus to accelerating housing production; and <br />19.Other planning documents or process improvements that demonstrate an <br />increase in housing related planning activities and facilitate accelerating <br />housing production; and <br />20. Establishing Prohousing Policies, as follows: <br />Prohousing Policies <br />The Department encourages applicants to consider LEAP funds to facilitate <br />designation as a Prohousing jurisdiction. <br />The 2019-20 Budget Act requires the Department to develop the <br />Prohousing designation emergency regulations by no later than July 1, <br />2021. This program will allow the Department to designate jurisdictions as <br />"Prohousing," when they demonstrate policies and strategies to accelerate <br />housing production. In turn, Prohousing jurisdictions will be awarded <br />additional points or preference in programs such as the Affordable Housing <br />and Sustainable Communities (AHSC), Transformative Climate <br />Communities (TCC), Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG) programs and other <br />state funding programs. The Department anticipates developing emergency <br />regulations and Prohousing designations prior to July 1, 2021, and will seek <br />to designate jurisdictions prior to future rounds of AHSC, TCC and IIG <br />CA HCD Notice of Funding Availability 56B-27 Local Early Action Planning Grants 2020 <br />