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G. "Housing" means any development that satisfies both of the following criteria: <br />1. At least two-thirds of the square footage of the development must be <br />designated for residential use; and <br />2. Includes a house, an apartment, a mobile home or trailer, a group of <br />rooms, or a single room that is occupied as separate living quarters, <br />or, if vacant, is intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. <br />Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants live <br />separately from any other individuals in the building, and which have a <br />direct access from the outside of the building, or through a common <br />hall. <br />Note: accessory dwelling units (ADU) and junior accessory dwelling units <br />(JADU) pursuant to Gov. Code sections 65852.2 and 65852.22 meet the <br />definition above. <br />H. "Housing Element" or "element" means the Housing Element of a <br />community's General Plan, as required pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section <br />65302 of the Government Code and prepared in accordance with Article 10.6 <br />(commencing with Section 65580) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the <br />Government Code. <br />I. "Jurisdiction" means any city, including a charter city, county, including a <br />charter county or city and county, including a charter city and county. <br />J. "Local government" or "Locality" means any city, including a charter city, <br />county, including a charter county or city and county, including a charter city <br />and county. <br />K. "Objective zoning standard", "objective subdivision standard", and "objective <br />design review standard" means standards that involve no personal or <br />subjective judgment by a public official, and are uniformly verifiable by <br />reference to an external and uniform benchmark or criterion available, and <br />knowable by both the development applicant or proponent and the public <br />official prior to submittal. "Objective design review standards" means only <br />objective design standards published and adopted by ordinance or resolution <br />by a local jurisdiction before submission of a development application, which <br />are broadly applicable to development within the jurisdiction. <br />L. "Other Planning Priorities" means planning, policies, programs or investments <br />to promote housing choices and affordability to lower and moderate income <br />households, the encouragement of conservation of the existing affordable <br />housing stock, and efforts to take into account current and future impacts of <br />climate change, including hazard mitigation. <br />M. "Regional housing need assessment" means the existing and projected need <br />for housing for each region, as determined by the Department pursuant to <br />Section 65584.01 of the Government Code. <br />CA HCD Notice of Funding Availability 5bvB-37 Local Early Action Planning Grants 2020 <br />