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LEAP Grant Close Out Reporting Template <br />Brief Summary <br />• Overview of the project <br />• Project start date and duration <br />• Project goals and relevance to LEAP goals <br />• Quantified outcomes <br />Lead Agency and Partnerships <br />• List lead agency and partnerships (including names, titles, organizations, and <br />roles and responsibilities of each) <br />• What did those collaborative relationships and processes look like? <br />Drivers <br />• Did any local, state, or federal legislation or mandates drive the project? (SB 35, <br />AB 1397, etc.) <br />• Was it a community driven effort? <br />• Were there additional funding opportunities present? <br />Engagement Process <br />• Who were your stakeholders? <br />• What did the engagement process look like? <br />• What role did stakeholders play in the process? (Keep in mind: training, <br />education, council formation, technical assistance, etc.) <br />• What were the outcomes of the engagement process? <br />Challenges <br />• What challenges were encountered? <br />• What solutions were encountered or created? <br />. Are there areas for improvement of policy alignment at the state or federal level <br />to help achieve this project more easily? <br />CA HCD Notice of Funding Availability 56%-40 Local Early Action Planning Grants 2020 <br />