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§302(c)(4) Plan Rev. 2/26/20 <br />§302(c)(4)(A) Describe the manner in which allocated funds will be used for eligible activities. <br />The City of Santa Ana currently funds the operation of an interim emergency homeless shelter, the Link, which opened in November of 2018. As an interim facility, the Link will cease <br />operation upon the opening of the permanent homeless navigation center. It is expected to open before the end of this year. The permanent homeless navigation center will serve as <br />the permanent replacement for the Link. The City is in the process of selecting the developer and operator of the shelter. The City of Santa Ana plans to use Its PLHA funding for <br />one activity to assist those who are homeless, specifically for the operating or capital costs for the navigation center/shelter. <br />§302(c)(4)(B) Provide a description of the way the Local govemment will prioritize investments that increase the supply of housing for households with incomes at or below 60 <br />percent of Area Median Income (AMI). <br />The PLHA funding will only be allocated to the homeless navgabon center. Serving homeless meets the requirement to prioritize investments that Increase th supply of housing for <br />households with Incomes at or below 60% of AMI. The homeless navigation center will be occupied by households with incomes lower than 60 % AMI. <br />§31 Provide a description of how the Plan is consistent with the programs set forth in the Local Govemmerifs Housing Element. <br />The City of Santa Ana Housing Bement includes a Goal for Special Needs Individuals and objectives to provide funding for providers of emergency shelter, transitional housing and <br />permanent supportive housing for people who are homeless and to create a model emergency shelter management and operational plan based on best practices. In 2013, the City <br />adopted an ordinance to permit emergency shelters and a multi -service center 1n the M1, M2 and Industrial Specific Development Zones subject to operational and management <br />standards allowed under state law. <br />Activities Detail (Activities Detail (Must Make a Selection on Formula Allocation Application workshest under Eligible Activities, §301)) <br />§301(a)(1) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of multifamily, residential live -work, rental housing that is affordable to extremely low -,very, <br />low-, low-, or moderate -income households, including necessary Operating subsidies. <br />§301(a)(2) The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of Affordable rental and ownership housing, including Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), <br />that meets the needs of a growing workforce earning up to 120 percent of AMI, or 150 percent of AMI in high -cost areas. ADUs shall be available for occupancy for a term of no less <br />than 30 days. <br />§301(a)(3) Matching portions of funds placed into Local or Regional Housing Trust Funds. <br />§301(a)(4) Matching portions of funds available through the Low -and Moderate -Income Housing Asset Fund pursuant to subdivision (d) of HSC Section 34176. <br />§301(a)(5) Capitalized Reserves for Services connected to the preservation and creation of new permanent supportive housing. <br />§301(a)(6) Assisting persons who are experiencing or Al risk of homelessness, including, but not limited to, providing rapid rehousing, rental assistance, supportive/case <br />management services that allow people to obtain and retain housing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and emergency shelters, and the new construction, <br />rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent and transitional housing. <br />§302(cX4XE)(1) Provide a description of how allocated funds will be used for the proposed Activity. <br />The City plans to close it's current temporary shelter and open a permanent homeless navigation center to operate year-round with 200 shelter beds for individuals, couples, and <br />families with children who are literally homeless In Santa Ana, with the ability to scale up to 250 beds. The homeless navigation center and Its supportive service programs will be <br />designed to provide a safe environment for those expedencing homelessness on the streets of Santa Ana, and a pathway to transition Into permanent housing. During their stay, <br />clients will be offered a robust package of suppor0ve services designed to transition them to permanent housing and cope with undedying Issues causing them to cycle through the <br />system. 100% of the PHLA funds will be allocated towards the operation of the homeless navigation center. <br />Complete the table below for each proposed Activity, to be funded with 2019-2023 PLHA allocations. ti a single Activity will be assisting households at more than one level of Area <br />Median Income, please list the Activity as many times as needed to capture all of the AMI levels that will be assisted, but only show the percentage of annual funding allocated to the <br />Activione lime(to avoid double counting). <br />Funding Allocation Year <br />2019 <br />2020 <br />2021 <br />2022 <br />2023 <br />Type of Activity for Persons <br />0 to <br />m <br />`o m <br />'m m <br />`o m <br />'a`m <br />`g m <br />`m <br />`g In'm <br />.6 m <br />Experiencing or At Risk of <br />m'c <br />rn � <br />Homelessness <br />Z ci <br />Z u <br />Z u <br />Z u <br />Z <br />§302(c)(4)(E)(1) Percentage of <br />Funds Allocated for the <br />100% <br />100% <br />100% <br />100% <br />100 <br />Proposed Activity <br />PLHA 7 5 &-4 302(c)(4) Plan <br />