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L w FAIRVIEw BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />`J' (JTH STREET TO 16TH STREET) PROJECT <br />MAY 2020 <br />SANTA ANAL CALIFORNIA <br />8. Description of Project: <br />The following describes the proposed Fairview Bridge Replacement and Street Improvements <br />(9th Street to 16th Street) Project (Project) that is the subject of this Initial Study/Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration (IS/MND) prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA). The purpose of this IS/MND is to evaluate whether the proposed Project would result in <br />any potential significant environmental effects. <br />Project Purpose and Need. Fairview Street consists of a north/south major arterial located in <br />the northwestern portion the City. South of 9th Street, Fairview Street provides three lanes in <br />each direction that are reduced to two lanes in each direction north of 9th Street, across the <br />existing four -lane bridge, to 16th Street. The Fairview Street segment between 9th Street and <br />16th Street is the only constraint for Fairview Street to be built out to its planned width of six <br />lanes. This condition causes a traffic "bottleneck" during peak hours. In addition, there are no <br />sidewalks, bikeways, or lighting on the existing bridge. Pedestrians and bicyclists currently use <br />the roadway shoulder to cross the bridge. <br />Additionally, the existing Fairview Street bridge has insufficient safety barriers and capacity to <br />handle existing and projected traffic levels in the Project Area and is operating with the <br />following deficiencies within the Project limits: <br />• No sidewalks, bike lanes, center median or barrier, or lighting; and <br />• Congestion on and around the existing bridge due to high traffic demands and a limited <br />number of lanes relative to areas north and south of the bridge. <br />The purpose of the proposed Project is to improve pedestrian/bicyclist safety and traffic flow on <br />and in the vicinity of Fairview Street bridge. The following goals/objectives have been identified <br />for the proposed Project: <br />• Make the Fairview Street bridge design and capacity consistent with the Orange County <br />Master Plan of Arterial Highways and the City of Santa Ana General Plan Circulation <br />Element; and <br />• Provide for adequate vehicular capacity and greater pedestrian and bike safety on Fairview <br />Street bridge. <br />As described below, the proposed Project would improve traffic flow and alleviate congestion in <br />the study area. The proposed Project would also increase pedestrian safety at Fairview Street <br />bridge by constructing new barrier rails, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, a raised median, and lighting <br />on the proposed bridge structure. <br />Project Description. The proposed Project includes replacing the Fairview Street bridge over the <br />Santa Ana River and widening Fairview Street between 9th Street and 16th Street. The proposec <br />Project would widen Fairview Street from two lanes in each direction to three lanes in each <br />direction in Santa Ana (refer to Figures 1 and 2). The Fairview Street bridge would be replaced <br />with a new six -lane bridge (three lanes in each direction), including a complete bridge deck with <br />barrier rails, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, a raised median, and lighting. <br />1-2 R:\WKE1702\ISMND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.docx (05/26/20) <br />