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Chapter 4. Federal, State, and Local <br />Policies and Procedures <br />This report focuses on the requirements of 23 CFR 772, as discussed in this chapter. <br />4.1. Federal Regulations <br />4.1.1. 23 CFR 772 <br />23 CFR 772 provides procedures for preparing operational and construction noise <br />studies and evaluating noise abatement considered for federal and federal -aid <br />highway projects. Under 23 CFR 772.7, projects are categorized as Type 1, Type 2, <br />or Type 3 projects. <br />The FHWA defines a Type 1 project as a proposed federal or federal -aid highway <br />project for the construction of a highway on a new location or the physical alteration <br />of an existing highway that significantly changes either the horizontal or vertical <br />alignment of the highway. The following projects are also considered Type 1 <br />projects: <br />• The addition of a through -traffic lane or lanes. This includes the addition of a <br />through -traffic lane that functions as a high -occupancy vehicle lane, <br />high -occupancy toll lane, bus lane, or truck climbing lane. <br />• The addition of an auxiliary lane, except for when the auxiliary lane is a turn lane. <br />• The addition or relocation of interchange lanes or ramps added to a quadrant to <br />complete an existing partial interchange. <br />• Restriping existing pavement for the purpose of adding a through -traffic lane or <br />an auxiliary lane. <br />• The addition of a new or substantial alteration of an existing weigh station, rest <br />stop, ride -share lot, or toll plaza. <br />If a project is determined to be a Type 1 project under this definition, the entire <br />project area as defined in the environmental document is a Type 1 project. A Type 2 <br />project is a noise barrier retrofit project that involves no changes to highway capacity <br />or alignment. A Type 3 project is a project that does not meet the classifications of a <br />Type 1 or Type 2 project. Type 3 projects do not require a noise analysis. <br />Under 23 CFR 772.11, noise abatement must be considered for Type 1 projects if the <br />project is predicted to result in a traffic noise impact. In such cases, 23 CFR 772 <br />Fairview Street Improvements from 9th Street to 16th Street 17 <br />and Bridge Replacement Project Noise Study Report <br />