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Chapter 5. Study Methods and Procedures <br />5.2.1. Short -Term Measurements <br />Short-term noise level measurements in the project vicinity were sampled during <br />off-peak traffic hours when traffic was flowing freely. Short-term noise level <br />measurements were made using Larson Davis Model 831, 824, and 820 Type 1 sound <br />level meters. <br />The following measurement procedures were used: <br />• Calibrate the sound level meter. <br />• Set up the sound level meter at a height of 5 ft. <br />• Commence noise monitoring. <br />• Collect site -specific data (e.g., date, time, direction of traffic, vehicle speed, and <br />location of the sound level meter relative to any existing feature). <br />• Count passing vehicles for a period of 20 minutes during noise level <br />measurement. Vehicles are split into three categories: automobiles, medium <br />trucks, and heavy trucks. <br />• Stop measurement after 20 minutes. <br />• Calibrate the sound level meter. <br />• Proceed to the next monitoring site and repeat. <br />The traffic counts were expanded to hourly volumes (multiplied by three to normalize <br />the results to hourly values) and entered into the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) <br />2.5 (2004) for each monitoring site. The monitoring results were used to calibrate the <br />model outputs. <br />5.2.2. Long -Term Measurements <br />Two long-term noise level measurements were conducted using one dosimeter in the <br />study area. The purpose of the long-term measurements was to identify variations in <br />sound levels throughout the day. <br />5.3. Traffic Noise Level Prediction Methods <br />Traffic noise levels were predicted using the FHWA's TNM 2.5 (FHWA 2004). TNM <br />2.5 is a computer model based on two FHWA reports: FHWA-PD-96-009 and <br />FHWA PD-96-010 (FHWA 1998a, 1998b). Key inputs to TNM 2.5 were the <br />locations of roadways, traffic mix, vehicle speeds, shielding features (e.g., topography <br />and buildings), noise barriers, ground type, and receptors. <br />Fairview Street Improvements from 9th Street to 16th Street 27 <br />and Bridge Replacement Project Noise Study Report <br />