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Chapter 7. Future Noise Environment, <br />Impacts, and Considered <br />Abatement <br />7.1. Future Noise Environment and Impacts <br />This NSR was prepared to determine the future traffic noise impacts at receptors <br />along Fairview Street. Potential long-term noise impacts under the Future Build <br />condition are solely from traffic noise. Traffic noise was evaluated for the worst -case <br />traffic condition. Using coordinates obtained from the topographic maps, 92 receptor <br />locations were evaluated in the model. <br />Future traffic noise levels at all 92 receptor locations were determined using either the <br />worst -case traffic operations (prior to speed degradation) or the 2040 a.m. peak -hour <br />traffic volumes obtained from the Traffic Impact Analysis (LSA 2018), whichever <br />were lower, as described in Section 5.3. Table B.1 in Appendix B summarizes the <br />TNM results for the Existing, Future No Build, and Future Build conditions. The <br />modeled future noise levels with the proposed Project were compared to the modeled <br />existing noise levels (after calibration) from TNM 2.5 to determine whether a <br />substantial noise increase would occur. The modeled future noise levels were also <br />compared to the NAC to determine whether a traffic noise impact would occur. <br />Traffic noise impacts occur when either of the following occurs: (1) the traffic noise <br />level at a receptor location is predicted to "approach or exceed" its corresponding <br />NAC or (2) the predicted traffic noise level is 12 dBA or more over the corresponding <br />modeled existing noise level at the receptor locations analyzed. When traffic noise <br />impacts occur, noise abatement measures must be considered. Of the 92 modeled <br />receptors, 9 receptors under the Future Build condition would approach or exceed the <br />NAC. No receptor would experience a substantial noise increase of 12 dBA or more <br />over its corresponding modeled existing noise level under any scenario. The receptor <br />locations listed below would be or would continue to be exposed to noise levels that <br />either approach or exceed the NAC under Future Build conditions. <br />• Receptor R-5: This receptor location represents an existing single-family <br />residence on the northbound side of Fairview Street between Civic Center Drive <br />and West 9th Street. Currently, a 4.7 ft high existing wall shields the residence. <br />Fairview Street Improvements from 9th Street to 16th Street 39 <br />and Bridge Replacement Project Noise Study Report <br />