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Chapter 8. Construction Noise <br />Two types of short-term noise impacts would occur during construction of the <br />proposed Project. The first type would be from construction crew commutes and the <br />transport of construction equipment and materials to the project site that would <br />incrementally raise noise levels on access roads leading to the site. The pieces of <br />heavy equipment for grading and construction activities will be moved on site, will <br />remain for the duration of each construction phase, and will not add to the daily <br />traffic volumes in the project vicinity. A high single -event noise exposure potential at <br />a maximum level of 84 dBA Lm,,x from trucks passing at 50 ft will exist. However, the <br />projected construction traffic volume will be minimal when compared to existing <br />traffic volumes on Fairview Street and other adjacent roadways, and the associated <br />long-term noise level change will not be perceptible. Therefore, short-term <br />construction -related worker commutes and equipment transport noise impacts would <br />be less than substantial. <br />The second type of short-term noise impact is related to noise generated during <br />roadway construction. Construction is performed in discrete steps, each of which has <br />its own mix of equipment and, consequently, its own noise characteristics. These <br />various sequential phases would change the character of the noise generated and the <br />noise levels in the project area as construction progresses. Despite the variety in the <br />type and size of construction equipment, similarities in the dominant noise sources <br />and patterns of operation allow construction -related noise ranges to be categorized by <br />work phase. Table 8.1 lists typical construction equipment noise levels (Lmax) <br />recommended for noise impact assessments based on a distance of 50 ft between the <br />equipment and a noise receptor. <br />Typical noise levels at 50 ft from an active construction area range up to 88 dBA L n x <br />during the noisiest construction phases. The site preparation phase, which includes <br />grading and paving, tends to generate the highest noise levels because the noisiest <br />construction equipment is earthmoving equipment. Earthmoving equipment includes <br />excavating machinery (e.g., backfillers, bulldozers, and front loaders). Earthmoving <br />and compacting equipment includes compactors, scrapers, and graders. Typical <br />operating cycles for these types of construction equipment may involve 1 or <br />2 minutes of full -power operation followed by 3 or 4 minutes at lower power settings. <br />Fairview Street Improvements from 9th Street to 16th Street 51 <br />and Bridge Replacement Project Noise Study Report <br />