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<br /> <br /> 15 <br />Storm, Wave, and Erosion Buffers <br />The Project area is approximately 9.5 miles from the coast and would have no impact on storm, wave, or <br />erosion buffers. <br />Erosion and Accretion Patterns <br />The increase in impervious area would increase the volume of stormwater runoff from the Project area <br />into the Santa Ana River. However, the Santa Ana River is a stabilized concrete channel and is not <br />susceptible to hydromodification (County of Orange 2012). Therefore, increasing flow to this channel <br />would not change sediment transport or increase downstream erosion and accretion. <br />Aquifer Recharge/Groundwater <br />Groundwater dewatering during construction may be required during construction of the bridge piles to <br />ensure groundwater levels are below the pile cap elevation (Earth Mechanics, Inc., 2018). However, <br />groundwater dewatering would be temporary, and the volume of groundwater removed would be <br />minimal compared to the size of the groundwater basin. Therefore, Project construction would not <br />substantially change groundwater levels in the groundwater basin. <br />The Project would increase impervious surface areas on site, which can decrease infiltration. However, <br />due to the large amount of impervious surface area in the vicinity of the Project area and within the <br />Santa Ana River channel, minimal infiltration would be expected to occur in the existing conditions. <br />Additionally, the increase in impervious surface area 8,500 square feet (approximately 0.2 acre) is <br />minimal compared to the size of the watershed and the amount of existing impervious surface area in <br />the vicinity of the Project area. In addition, operation of the proposed Project would not require <br />groundwater extraction. Therefore, the proposed Project would not substantially deplete groundwater <br />supplies or interfere with groundwater recharge. <br />Baseflow <br />Baseflow is streamflow that results from precipitation that infiltrates the soil and eventually moves <br />through the soil to the stream channel. This is also referred to as groundwater flow or dry-weather flow. <br />The Santa Ana River is concrete lined, so there is no baseflow in the Project area. Therefore, the <br />proposed Project would not impact baseflow. <br />4.2 Anticipated Changes to the Biological Characteristics of the Aquatic Environment <br />Special Aquatic Sites <br />According to the Natural Environment Study (Minimal Impacts) (NES[MI]; LSA 2018a) prepared for the <br />proposed Project, there are no wetlands or riparian areas present in the Project area. There are no <br />ASBSs within or downstream of the Project area. However, the Santa Ana River is subject to USACE, <br />California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Santa Ana RWQCB jurisdiction. Although an increase in <br />pollutant loading from construction activities and the increase in impervious surface area can impact the <br />water quality in the Santa Ana River, the disturbance area and increase in impervious area is minimal <br />and construction and operational BMPs would be implemented to reduce pollutants of concern in <br />runoff. Therefore, the proposed Project would not have an adverse effect water-quality related impact <br />on special aquatic sites.