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A-2020-121 <br />Could Fund payments be used for capital Lrtproventent projects that broadly provide potential <br />economic development in it community? <br />In general, no. If capital improvement projects are not necessary expenditures incurred due to the <br />COVID-19 public health emergency, then Fund payments may not be used for such projects. <br />However, Fund payments may be used for the expenses of, for example, establishing temporary public <br />medical facilities and other measures to increase COVID-19 treatment capacity or improve mitigation <br />measures, including related construction costs. <br />The Guidance includes workforce bonuses as an evantple ofineligible expenses butprovides that <br />hazard pray would be eligible if otherwise determined to be a necessary expense, Is there a specific <br />definition of "hazy d pay "? <br />Hazard pay means additional pay for performing hazardous duty or work involving physical hardship, in <br />each case that is related to COVID-19. <br />The Guidance provides that ineligible expenditures include "Ipfayroll or benefits expenses for <br />employees whose work duties are not substantially dedicated to mitigating or responding to the <br />CO VID-1 9 public health emergency," Is this intended to relate only to public employees? <br />Yes. This particular nonexclusive example of an ineligible expenditure relates to public employees. A <br />recipient would not be permitted to pay for payroll or benefit expenses of private employees and any <br />financial assistance (such as grants or short-term loans) to private employers are not subject to the <br />restriction that the private employers' employees must be substantially dedicated to mitigating or <br />responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency. <br />May counties prepay with CARES Act,Iitnds for expenses such as a one or two year faeility lease, <br />such as to house staff hired in response to COVID-19? <br />A government should not make prepayments on contracts using payments from the Fund to the extent that <br />doing so would not be consistent with its ordinary course policies and procedures. <br />Must a stapat-hoote order or other public Itealtb mandate be In effect in order far a government to <br />provide assistance to small businesses using payments f(•om the Farad? <br />No. The Guidance provides, as an example of an eligible use of payments from the Fund, expenditures <br />related to the provision of grants to small businesses to reimburse the costs of business internrption <br />caused by required closures. Such assistance may be provided using amounts received from the Fund in <br />the absence of a requirement to close businesses if the relevant government determines that such <br />expenditures are necessary in response to the public health emergency. <br />