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A-2020-121 <br />all of the Parties' obligations under this Agreement are fully satisfied, whichever <br />occurs earlier. <br />2. USE OF GRANT AMOUNT <br />a. Subrecipient shall use the grant amount provided under this <br />Agreement to pay for Eligible Expenses that: (1) are necessary expenditures <br />incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19; (2) <br />were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved by Subrecipient <br />as of March 27, 2020; and (3) were incurred during the period that begins on <br />March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020. <br />b. The term "Eligible Expenses," as used in this Agreement, shall <br />mean expenses incurred and paid for by Subrecipient for the provision of <br />economic support to Small Businesses located in the First District in <br />connection with the COVID-19 public health emergency, including, but not <br />limited to, expenditures related to the provision of grants to Small <br />Businesses to reimburse the costs of business interruption caused by <br />temporary closures and reduction in business activity related to the COVID- <br />19 public health emergency if such costs will not otherwise be reimbursed by <br />the federal government. <br />C. The term "Small Business," as used in this Agreement, shall <br />mean an independently owned and operated business, whether for -profit or <br />non-profit, that is not dominant in its field of operation, the principal office of <br />which is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of Subrecipient and the <br />First District, the officers of which are domiciled in Orange County, <br />California, and which, together with affiliates, has 10 or fewer employees. <br />Small Business eligible to receive grants funded by this Agreement shall not <br />include cannabis related businesses, gambling facilities, and adult <br />entertainment businesses. <br />d. The following is a nonexclusive list of expenditures that shall <br />not constitute Eligible Expenses payable from the grant amount: <br />(1) Damages covered by insurance. <br />(2) Payroll or benefits expenses for employees whose work <br />duties are not substantially dedicated to mitigating or responding to <br />the COVID-19 public health emergency. <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />