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A-2020-121 <br />accordance with Paragraph 11, Subrecipient agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold <br />harmless the County of Orange for any sums the State or Federal government <br />contends or determines Subrecipient used in violation of the certification, <br />Subrecipient shall immediately return to the County any funds the County or any <br />responsible State or Federal agency, including the Department of Treasury, <br />determines the Subrecipient has used in a manner that is inconsistent with <br />Paragraph 2 of this Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive <br />termination of this Agreement. <br />6. REPORTS <br />a. Progress Report. On October 1, 2020, Subrecipient shall provide <br />a report to the County that shall: (1) identify the Eligible Expenses paid from <br />the grant amount as of September 15, 2020; (2) identify the name and <br />location of each Small Business receiving economic support funded by the <br />grant amount and the amounts paid to each Small Business; (3) demonstrate <br />how Subrecipient used the grant amount consistent with the use <br />requirements of Paragraph 2; and (4) identify the balance of the grant <br />amount that Subrecipient has not spent. <br />b. Final Report. Upon the earlier of Subrecipient's expenditure of <br />the balance of the grant amount or January 15, 2021, Subrecipient shall <br />provide a report to the County that shall: (1) identify the Eligible Expenses <br />paid from the grant amount as of December 30, 2020; (2) identify the name <br />and location of each Small Business receiving economic support funded by the <br />grant amount and the amounts paid to each Small Business; (3) demonstrate <br />how Subrecipient used the grant amount consistent with the use <br />requirements of Paragraph 2; and (4) identify the balance of the grant <br />amount that Subrecipient has not spent, if any. <br />C. The Subrecipient shall provide a certification signed by its chief <br />executive officer with each report required under this Paragraph 6 that the <br />statements contained in the report are true and that the expenditures <br />described in the report comply with the uses permitted under Paragraph 2. <br />d. The Subrecipient shall maintain supporting documentation for <br />the reports required by this Paragraph 6 consistent with the requirements of <br />Paragraph 7. <br />7. RECORDS MAINTENANCE. Records, in their original form, must be <br />maintained in accordance with requirements prescribed by the County with respect <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />