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PLZO aOT <br />nu 'ae co,rtrt4 <br />Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act(WIOA) <br />Santa Ana Workforce Development Board: Youth Service Provider <br />3. Population {2 pages max) <br />A. Describe the total number of youth that will be served by this grant. <br />The program will serve four In -school and 16 Out -of -School Youth {20 participants total). <br />B. Describe the age range of the youth that will be served. <br />In -school Youth will be 16-21 years old and Out -of -School Youth will be 16-24 Years old. <br />C. Describe any minimum requirements that youth need to have in order to be enrolled into <br />your program (aside from the WIOA Youth eligibility requirements). <br />Project Kinship will utilize the WIOA Youth eligibility requirements. The only additional <br />Project Kinship requirement is that participants cannot have a history of any sexual offenses. <br />D. Special consideration for organizations that can serve the following youth populations: <br />Project Kinship serves high -risk, hard -to -reach populations with histories of gang - <br />involvement, substance abuse, homelessness, juvenile court involvement, and/or school failure, <br />with the goal of preventing, intervening, and addressing the barriers that lead to these <br />destructive cycles. Through the proposed program, Project Kinship will serve a minimum of 80% <br />of Out -of -School youth; a minimum of 10% of foster/emancipated youth; at least 10% homeless <br />youth; and more than 50% of the youth participants will be on probation or parole. <br />The Santa Ana Police Department reports 3,194 documented gang members in the city, <br />a third of which are in the 18-28-year-old age range, many of which will walk through Project <br />Kinship's program doors. This target population has often experienced the devastating impacts <br />of trauma, violence, family disruption, and high recidivism rates. Such challenges tend to create <br />multiple barriers to workplace and educational success. These challenges also further propel <br />cycles of intergenerational gang membership, incarceration, violence, and abuse. As a result, <br />Project Kinship staff are recruited and trained to specialize in meeting these unique needs. <br />E. Specify how the targeted youth populations (out -of -school, youth with disabilities, <br />foster/emancipated, probation, homeless) will be recruited. <br />Project Kinship staff have years of experience working with the targeted population and <br />high levels of expertise in building relationships with partner agencies to support the needs of <br />participants. This includes works closely with referral agencies such as: District Attorney's <br />Office; Public Defender's Office; local police departments; Juvenile Court; Probation <br />Department; Sheriffs Department; Orange County Department of Education {OCDE); local <br />school districts; and multiple community- and faith -based organizations serving the targeted <br />youth. These existing relationships and prior successes will be leveraged to support the <br />outreach to and enrollment of participants throughout the City of Santa Ana. <br />Project Kinship also works with Health Care Agency Crisis Evaluation and Guidance Unit <br />{CEGU) Clinicians assigned within Juvenile Hall and probation officers assigned to the Probation <br />Department's Great Escape Resource Center to identify transitional -aged youth that would be <br />eligible for program enrollment. In addition to receiving referrals, the above partnerships <br />facilitate warm hand-off linkages for part they work toward their Individual Service <br />25B-136 <br />