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ptac�y r:c7t. <br />Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act(WIOA) <br />Santa Ana Workforce Development Board: Youth Service Provider <br />6. Alternative Secondary School Services (3 pages max) <br />A. Describe in detail the alternative secondary school services or dropout recovery services <br />that will be made available for youth. <br />The proposed program will refer out -of -school youth to a variety of different secondary <br />school programs to complete their high school diploma. These include OCDE's Alternative <br />Education Division (ACCESS), which has school sites throughout the county; the College and <br />Career Academy Charter School, which has multiple satellite sites including adding a potential <br />site atthe Project Kinship Office; the Learning for Life Charter School; and the Rancho Santiago <br />Community College District's Continuing Education Program that serves participants who are <br />aged -out of the other high school aged options. The school will serve youth up to 24 years old. <br />Project Kinship has a contract with SAUSD to provide Restorative Practice Intervention <br />services within six of the highest need school sites. Through this contract, Project Kinship <br />assigns Restorative Practice Interventionists (RPis) at each site to support dropout prevention <br />with youth at -risk for school suspension or expulsion. The RPls also serve as liaisons with the <br />school administration for dropout recovery with participants who have stopped attending <br />school and are ready to re -enroll. <br />B. D scribe in detail the activities that will lead youth to attainment of secondary school <br />diploma or equivalent. <br />The proposed program will utilize a variety of activities to lead youth to attain their <br />secondary school diploma or equivalent. The first is conducting evidence -based assessments <br />and providing focused tutoring services. Prior to enrollment, participants will take a 20-minute <br />TABE Placement Test to indicate what level of the TABE Test they will need (i.e. Easy, Medium, <br />Difficult). Then they will take the Pre -Assessment TABE Test at that level. This test will take <br />between 45 minutes to one hour to complete. Youth who score 8.9 and below will be <br />considered "basic skills deficient", will be enrolled in the program, and will receive focused <br />tutoring to improve the literacy and numeracy areas where they struggled most. Practice TABE <br />tests will be conducted throughout enrollment and official Post -Assessments will be taken at <br />least Quarterly. Tutoring will also include: individual and group -based homework assistance; <br />access to a computer lab to complete assignments and conduct research; and peer support that <br />encourages engagement and inspires participants that personal success is obtainable. <br />All participants will meet with the Case Manager to complete the Insight tool, which is <br />an evidence -based criminogenic needs assessment to determine the level of risk for recidivism. <br />It is a paper and pencil tool that also identifies needs and barriers that may affect program <br />performance such as learning disabilities, difficulties socializing or functioning in a professional <br />work environment, mental health issues, etc. This assessment will be conducted within 30 days <br />post -enrollment and used to inform ISP goals based on individual needs, strengths, and barriers <br />regarding education and employment. It is also used to identifycase management needs. <br />The ISP and Tutoring Plan will both include action steps, realistic goals, and major <br />milestones to measure progress while the participant is actively participating in the Workforce <br />Development Program. The plans will be dynamic and reviewed on a periodic <br />25B-141 <br />