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Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) <br />Santa Ana Workforce Development Board: Youth Service Provider <br />charge reduction. These volunteers also serve as mentors to participants and engage them in <br />policy campaigns aimed atjustice reform regarding legal loop holes. Each of these interactions <br />build leadership skills, civic engagement, andprofessional networks for participants. <br />B. Indicate the number of youth that will participate In the civic engagement or leadership <br />development opportunity. <br />Three participants will attend the California Workforce Association Annual Conference. <br />All twenty participants will have the opportunity to participate in policy advocacy campaigns <br />and presentations. Other leadership opportunities include attending the Annual Re-entry <br />Conference hosted by Project Kinship, serving as program ambassadors to recruit and mentor <br />new enrollees, and participating in leadership development workshops offered by Project <br />Kinship and its community partners. <br />25B-151 <br />